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Everything posted by richieboy

  1. hi, i have a programe where you can modify the ride height of ur car the braking acceleration and ova stuff i will attach the the mod for u!!! hope u have fun!! i didnt reli understand it!! handling_modifier.zip
  2. i had the same problem but i have a link for you to got to (its on youtube) just watch the vid and then go to the link it says near the end!! this is where i got the patch from and it worked for me!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ODzL1oofWeU
  3. ite m8 i think i have the mod where you can mod bikes i will have a look then i will send u the link or sumin!! i dnt wanna get rid off the car mods!! i have seen videos tho of ppl modding there cars on youtube!! i think this is the mod that lets u mod bikes im not sure it doesnt say in the readme!! if its not then sorry!! carmods.zip
  4. i have modded my game i have mods like. . . . . . new cars akina mountain the drift park in the fbi place in sf cam hack new bikes real car names. . . . etc i have loads!! anyway when i go into transfender and put a mod on a car even if it is just changing the colour. my game crashes!! i have tried it with lods of different cars and it crashes everytime!! i have tried it with the few normal cars i have on the game and it crashed then aswell!! i know that u can mod cars in transfender with cars that u have added cos i have seen ppl do it on youtube!! does anyone know anything??
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