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    San Andreas
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  1. well, today i was driving on the interstate, and i saw one of our few unmarked charger police cars. so. how about someone make a charger police car? that would be really cool. and hopefully JVT, you read this, because you are excellent with your mods
  2. what the heck is the deal with those vans in the mission when you and the truth are recruiting people for the chop shop? haha. maybe i need to be high to understand what he's talking about. too bad i stopped
  3. dealing with the cheetah with only one side mirror. there are ferrari models that have only one, and since the cheetah was modeled after ferrari, i think it is intentional
  4. well, hello, im sean, im from ohio, just thought i'd introduce myself. i have a couple questions, went through a few pages, trying to look if they were asked before, but i didn't find anything. 1. When doing mods, how many would you guys recomend? i don't want to go crazy and end up crashing the game 2. are there any way to get ps2 mods? if so, can someone send me a link thats easy steps, for i am very very new at anything computer oriented;-) thanks alot sorry, as soon as i posted i found the second question.. please disreguard. still need an answer for the first:-)
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