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Posts posted by rappo

  1. Чекај, ти ојде во Европа, но не ојде во Арменија, од кај што си ти?

    хаахахаах зашто?

    я не понимаю :P может быть, я буду понимать если ты пишешь по-сербски?

    И каде ојде во Грција, кои градови?

    я поехал в Афины, Вулиягмени, Делфи и в двух островов - Мыконос и Санторони.

    я любил Санторини, это прекрасной!

  2. Ти разбираш все од што пишам?

    Јас не разбирам все, но знам какво ти говориш

    did that make sense? :P maybe it's што instead of какво? anyway back to russian...

    я удивлен... может быть, женщины Перта не красивые. я думаю они у Сидни. ;)

    oh and what is "згорешни"

  3. Lol this is the Cold War. Serbia is a satellite of U.S.S.R. right?? In Warsaw Pact.

    nope. serbia was part of yugoslavia at the time, and yugoslavia wasnt part of the USSR or the warsaw pact.

    Како е живот во Лос Анџелес?

    неплохо. есть отличная погода и много красивых женщин :) я думаю, что тоже самое в Австралии

    я говорю по-русский потому-что я не знаю говорить по-македонский, но я понимаю когда ты говоришь

  4. The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be! :D

    and yeah this thread is a little lame since you can just search google, but i knew that one no doubt. if you dont know that song then you are living a deprived life. anyway:

    "i dont wanna eat burritos

    or read about OJ

    no i dont wanna get a head rush

    cause i aint gettin out of bed today

    i aint got to leave my bed"

  5. the armenian alphabet came before cyrillic but both of them take a LOT of things from the greek alphabet though (like the order of the letters. for example: greek and armenian alphabets both start with the characters for A, B, and G)... thats why they might seem a little similar. but really (to me) they do not look the same at all.

    and yes that alphabet is still used in armenia today. the alphabet has hardly changed since its first making, it was only modified a little bit when armenia was part of the USSR.

  6. I haven't learned too much about time yet, but there's a bit:

    What time is it? - Который час? or Сколько времени? (Katory chas? or Ckolka vremyeni?)

    At 1:00 - в час (v chas)

    At 2:00/3:00/4:00 - в два/три/четыре часа (v dva/tri/chetyri chasa)

    At 5:00+ - в пять часов (v pyat chasov)

    ... in the morning - утром (utrom)

    ... in the afternoon - днём (dnyom)

    ... in the evening - вечером (vyecherom)

    ... at night - ночью (nochyu)

    i'm not really sure how to say "it is 1:00" unless its just the same as "at 1:00". also i have a feeling that we didnt learn the proper way to tell time for :15 :30 and :45 so i wont say any of those :P

  7. IQ is great and all, but it's complete bullshit to say that he's "smarter than Einstein." The IQ test is a bunch of random tests that are supposed to gauge your intelligence capability, but that doesn't mean this kid is theorizing about things more important than special relativity and whatnot.

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