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    San Andreas
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  1. i have GTA SA for XBOX only Theres a mission in GTA SA that ive been trying to do since a month now and i cant do it... its where u meet up with zero and ur suppose to kill 5 delivery guys with a toy airplane that u control... the 5 guys split up and i can never get them before i run out of fuell... my question is there any cheats or something i dont know i can useto beat this level ...thanks
  2. now my problem has been solved thank you don
  3. i try going into the wardrobe room in the houses... theres no extra clothes there
  4. ok i now know that you got to go to a shop to buy new clothes.. but where are they? how do u know where they are?? thanks. Edit: i only have GTA SA for Xbox, i dont have it for PC
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