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Posts posted by kgb424

  1. I downloaded two viruses from this site, one was in the pizzadox plus 27 trainer, the other one was from the crazy trainer by crazy virus, I ran my antivirus software and quaritined these two file saying they had viruses, this is the only place that I have downloaded from in a month and run my antivirus once a month so beware of the trainers as soon as installed the trainers the game started crashing, and my mouse was having problems on the desktop, I have had viruses before and they have acted, the same the other viruses I have had, so not to say that sky or huckleberry pie don't no what they are talking about I think they where for sure viruses trust me, I have had many viruses, cause I download different trainers for my need for speed games, and mod for half life two so I know about viruses sorry to disagree with people

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