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Everything posted by DOC_JJ

  1. It's an easy fix to get around the freezing on the loading screen. The cd has to not be in the PS3 when you start up the PS3. Once the PS3 has started up, then put the disc in and it will load normally every time. You just have to eject the CD every time you're done playing. Then, when you want to play again, just re-insert the cd AFTER the PS3 has loaded up / started. Not too big of a hassle, but still a minor inconvenience. As for the multiplayer, I can't comment because I haven't had any trouble with it yet. *edit* I just wanted to share how I do it. Since I'm playing GTA4 almost exclusively right now on my PS3, when I'm done, I leave the disc in. However, I don't turn the actual power off, I just hold the PS button on the controller, and choose the Turn System Off option, when I'm done. That puts the PS3 into standby mode / essentially turns it off. Then instead of using the power button or PS button to turn the system back on, I use the eject button. The disc is ejected, and the PS3 turns itself on and loads up without the GTA4 disc. Then I simply put the GTA4 disc in, and it loads perfectly every time, no freezing.
  2. I decided to register here after reading a lot of the complaints in this thread. First of all, I'm by far not a GTA conniseur - I never played GTA 3, but I did play Vice City. As far as the gameplay, the driving took a little while to get used to, but I'm able to handle most corners with ease. It is how you use the handbrake and the regular brake in combination. In order to take a 90 degree turn at a high rate of speed, you hit the handbrake, and as soon as you start to skid you have to let go of the handbrake and immediately hit the regular brake while not turning the wheels after the initial turn/handbrake. I usually will hold both the regular brake and the gas down at that point, so as soon as I get the car around the corner and release the regular brake, the engine is gunning and gets me going. Driving in the game is also very dependant on the car you are driving. If you tend to hit objects, cars, etc a lot, then you need to drive a SUV or truck. In SUVs and trucks, and larger vehicles, you can hit vehicles/objects and be hit and will not be spun around as easily (especially at high speeds) as in a smaller vehicle. The calvalcade, once you learn to handle it, is a great vehicle. It handles well, has a nice top speed, acceleration is kinda slow, but you can smash into most objects head on or slightly sideways and not get spun all over the place. So, if you are having problems driving, experiment with using the handbrake and regular brake in combination. Also, learn how different vehicles handle in the game, they all have distinct properties that make them different than pretty much every other vehicle you can use. I personally prefer the Cavalcade as my general use vehicle. As for darkness, I can't comment. I'm running GTA4 on a PS3, connected to a 52' 1080P HD TV via HDMI. I haven't noticed any problems with darkness, the game looks incredible. Also, I'm really enjoying the storyline and the twists and turns it takes. I haven't come close to beating the game yet, but I've been enjoying it very much. All in all, I recommend purchasing GTA4 if you have a Xbox360 or PS3.
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