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Everything posted by Vizla

  1. Just some constructive critisism: Some of the cars are wayyyy too light, and tip over too easily. I'll try write down a list.
  2. They don't have a "format". Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/Audio/
  3. Dowload the same mods from here, and you have a usefull readme aswell..
  4. Ya I know.. I tried following the describtion in the file, and put it in the correct spots.. The only difference I think is that I loaded the IPL too early or something.
  5. i trow in the txd, unzip the ocram folder, backup the scm and overwrite, and set the lines as u said.. *runs in to check* Thx Pyroxide, must have been something with the order I put the lines.
  6. oh, forgot.. The map is here: Ocram's Stunt Map
  7. Well, after moving around the lines in the gta.dat to actually make it finaly load the map without crashing, I ended up in the water, with cars floating around. The "stunt map" looked like a random mixture of roads, grass and a few trees hanging mid-air over the water.. Have I done something wrong, or is this map kinda flucked up ?
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