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Posts posted by rahulsid

  1. when i make unique jump camera view is changed and the game becomes slow as usual. But my problem is after he lands the camera view do not change to normal. It remain as the same as of unique jump means camera at one place and the games becomes slow until he do not fall from the bike or he is on his feet. how can i remove the bug. :bashhead: :bashhead:

  2. hiii guyz,

    when I do freight missions then i watch the speed of the train. sometimes the freight train get speed upto 45 KPH but in passenger train i get max speed of 12 Kph. I do not cross the 45 Kph so its impossible to accomplish the freight missions. how can do we get the 45 kph speed.

    I do not remember whether it is kph or MPH. please tell me the keys.

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