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About MattyDienhoff

  • Birthday 04/21/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Adelaide, Australia
  • Interests
    Some of my interests: gaming, writing, writing about gaming, talking, music, talking about music, the Internet, movies, books, photo-editing, the military, history, military history, politics, psychology...

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About Me

If I were asked to describe my personality, I would say I'm mild in almost every way. For example, I'm not quite extroverted, but I'm not shy either. I've never really fit into any particular social group (or had any wish to do so), and I rarely got on with people of my own age as I was growing up because I felt they were immature (A lot of people have told me I grew up fast) In my pre-teens most of my friends were five years older than me, at least.

I have a dry, witty sense of humour, I'm pretty creative (when I'm in the mood), and in one of the few extremes in my character; I'm a perfectionist, which as far as I'm concerned is a good thing (for the most part), as it encourages me to maintain higher-than-average standards in everything I do. I have a cursory interest in psychology, and I've noticed that my personality traits sometimes translate into the things I do in interesting ways. For example, in gaming. I'm an uncommonly patient first-person shooter fan and I tend to value intelligent planning, style and finesse over speed and sheer effectiveness. This is why most ultra-fast paced multiplayer shooters irritate me, the shallow twitch-fests that they are, and for the most part I stick to single player shooters (in which you generally have more tactical flexibility) and tactical shooters (in which team tactics and coordination are actually used in-game on a regular basis, rather than just in the teaser trailer *cough*DoD:Source*cough*), but look, I've already started raving on about games.

If you want to say hi and have a chat about something, feel free to add me on MSN or Xfire.

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