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Tommy FTW

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Posts posted by Tommy FTW

  1. well. i think the lacking portion in vice city was structure- the neighborhoods were relatively small, and the only long road was the main highway-like road on the second island.

    add a big highway or driving bridge etc around perimeter

    also gang respect would be interesting for little haiti/ havanna

    military actually being something more than another "gang" would be nice too.

    alot could be improved for a new version.

    im looking forward to a new and improved version- hope it comes.

  2. so i just have to continue to destroy/ kill everyone and everything and eventually the bar will appear by itself?

    Pretty much, yeah.

    GAY. i just did a kill count while i was playing-

    750 kills- still no bar.

    i didnt do any cheats either. THROW ME A BONE.

  3. I am bored and i want to know if there are any easter eggs or secrets for me to find anything will do!

    i only have shitty ps2 version.

    but, have you heard of apartment 3c? by the marina theres a pay n spray and a gas station. youtube it. so easy to find.

    also. the vcn building in downtown. go to the vcn helipad and walk past it to the first window. the wall isnt solid and you can jump in to find an actual easter egg.

  4. Getting the criminals at level 12 to spawn on the Airport runway is a good idea, every level after 12 will be in the exact same location, and if you can get it at the airport, there is hardly any chance of you having to chase the third car, and if you are using the Hunter, you can just float there and continously fire rockets at the criminals as you get higher in level. A sustainable rate is 200 or even 300 levels an hour if you do it quickly.

    im absolutely horrible at maneuvering the hunter to hit targets with missiles.. cheetah for the win!

    btw thanks.. i cant believe i never noticed the after level 12 thing.

  5. yeah, it was like 2 in the morning and i was making $1 million+ for each completion at that point.

    i hated how they kept respawning in the same spot though- thats only fun if its in the airport right?

    they respawned for about 110 levels right by skumhole shack. FRUSTRATING

  6. i hate brown thunder vigilante

    its pretty fun, but i dont like the handle on the hunter.. so it ruins it for me

    but, i love doing vigilante with a Cheetah

    yesterday level 148 without cheats- im trying to overlap my money bar

    any comments?

  7. can someone please throw me a bone here? ive gotten 6 stars without cheats (who hasnt)

    BUT i cant figure out how to get that media bar that tells me how much of a threat i am

    only done it once and i dont know how it was triggered, and all the cheats never do anything (just notify me that the cheat worked)


    anyway, if anyone knows how.


  8. Yeah, i have vice city for ps2, its so god-like

    beat it 100% but im getting bored.. how much is there left to do thats fun, other than

    1. take down everyone in the military base

    2. vigilante

    3. brown thunder

    4. chaos

    5. avoiding cops in a cheetah

    6. stunts

    anyone out there that can help, voice opinions

    i need the game for PC, and i would like some mods, but idk where to get and if its free.

    -Tommy FTW.

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