1 YEAR 2012
quote name=Brotha' date='Jul 6 2008, 10:32 AM' post='292687]
Hey guys, in this thread I´ll share my thoughts, facts, and predictions whom concern the next Grand Theft Auto. Consider these thoughts as a mix of educated guesses, with a factious ground. Below is a summary of things I´ll discuss, in the listed order. And don´t get afraid because its long, I think some people will get their own thoughts after reading this, thus forming their own ideas!
1. Year of release
2. Location
3. Protagonist
4. Misc
1. Year Of Release.
GTA 3 came 2001
Vice City came 2002
San Andreas came 2004
IV came 2008.
See any pattern ?
Neither do I. The years that it took to develop the games are different, different scale, different graphical quality, different technical quality, different approach in development ETC. All these things vary in the games, and their development period. One certain thing is that IV required much more time to develop than the other GTA´s. Here´s a list that I´ve compiled which can help determine the year of release for next GTA.
- Starting year, the start of the development ?
- City, a city based on a real life city is faster to create, with reference points.
- The size of the map.
- The tech, do they upgrade original components or take time to create entirely new ones ?
- Misc stuff, like how many new features they add, weapons, vehicles and such.
And this is in my opinion, one of the most important thing we should question ourselves:
Will we jump straight to GTA V, or, have a "subgame" like GTA: [insert Name] City ?
My conclusion:
Next Grand Theft Auto will be GTA V, and it will be released in late 2011 or early 2012 and it´ll be set in a completely new city. + we´ll see minor GTA titles on other platforms, like VCS and LCS were.
Next Grand Theft Auto will be one with an undertitle, depicting the city its in, just like the old games. If this is the case, it´ll be released earlier, late 2010.
Note: The DLC is a way of keeping IV alive, while fans wait for the next GTA. The DLC could either be something smaller to expand IV, or it could be huge and replace another GTA title. So instead of making a new "filler" GTA game from scratch, they release DLC and jump directly to GTA V.
2. Location
This is one of the hard departments, so I´ll keep it pretty short at least.
If someone came up to me and asked me, "Where do you think the next GTA will take place ?"
I would say, "In a city, based off a popculturous real life city. In the US of course."
Many would immidiately hate me because I didn´t answer "London" or "Japan". But I think that is the truth, I don´t think GTA will take place outside the USA again, even if Rockstar had to remake Vice City 20 times. You just can´t do it as good as USA, why move outside the US and looking for diversity, when USA is the most culturally rich and mixed country in the world ? You almost have all nationalities there, almost all the different climates, and of course all the stereotypes of the world.
"But everyone knows that they´ll remake VC and SA, cause they did it with GTA 3 LolZ!"
No, they won´t. The reason I think this is that Rockstar knows that you have to go forward, you need to evolve. And remaking the old cities would do the opposite, no matter how much fans cry for them. Also, a fun fact, GTA 3 isn´t based on New York, it´s loosely based on different cities, to create a typical American city we see on our TV´s and such. So GTA IV is not a remake on GTA 3 at all.
The era of the game will, in my opinion, be our present time. Just like IV, the next GTA will take place at the same time it comes out. This has also to do with evolution, it would be stupid to set the game in the 80´s, no matter how good music or colorful the clothes were. Take away the internet, cell phone, modern cars, and all of the other things we live with now, and it gets dumb.
"But Vice city jumped from GTA 3´s 2001 to 1984! LolZ!"
Yes, but Vice City was basically modeled after the movie Scarface, set in the 80´s. San Andreas too, from gangster movies like Boyz in Da hood and such. The games were done from the ground of popular movies from that time. The most smart thing would be to keep it in present time, and nothing else.
My conclusion
The game will be set in a present-day city based off one or several different American big cities.
3. Protagonist
This is the hardest aspect to predict, the choice of the next GTA´s protagonist will be hard for Rockstar themselves I reckon. they´ve already used up many nationalities, and types of people in past games. And a chineese guy wouldn´t be a huge success if you know what I mean. But the point is that Rockstar are easily able to re-use a italian-american, or why not African-American ? As long as they make him an individual and not a stereotype, race or nationality doesn´t matter. I don´t think we´ll see any character creation central either, stuff like those are fun, but doesn´t provide much. I do believe we´ll see a totally new protagonist in the next GTA, cause Niko´s story will probably be fully told in the 2 upcoming DLC´s. If not, then I´m more than happy to welcome him back in the next GTA. Rockstar have worked hard on Niko and his story, and it would be a waste just to throw him away like that.
My conclusion
If not Niko´s story is finished in the DLC, he has a big chance of returning in the next GTA. However, if Rockstar chooses to create a new protagonist, he will be from a minority, like Niko was. Everyone thought "RUSSIA!" when they saw Niko in trailer 1, because of ignorance, Rockstar knows better, there is more to the world than USA and Russia.
4. Misc
Here are some points I believe should be taken in consideration for the next GTA, these things have a big chance of being in the next GTA.
- Deeper friendship gameplay.
- More technical possibilities as in the real world, wireless Mp3 anyone ?
- Everything will undergo an upgrade, Euphoria, vehicle damage ETC.
- More integration with the real world, stuff like ZiT that we have now.
That´s it guys, thanks for taking your time to read this, and remember, these are just my thoughts, nothing official. Feedback is appreciated!