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The Commander

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Everything posted by The Commander

  1. Claude: Is killed by a Zaibatsu hitman as "C Blood" said.
  2. Well, I tried to play my mod using the shareware version of duke3d but it doesnt work correctly. So you need to own atmoic version to be safe.
  3. Consider this download an ALPHA only. What I want to know is how many people are going to have trouble running this mod. I dont want to know about things like, Oh the cars do this that ect. I allready know these things. Im wanting to know about performance issues. http://rapidshare.com/files/145670924/DTA_Alpha1.rar.html Basic installation setup. ("YOU NEED TO OWN DUKE NUKEM 3D" for this version. The shareware version may work) Extract "DTA_Alpha1.rar" to a New directory and place a copy of "DUKE3D.GRP" in this folder and run "DTA.bat" I have included my own duke3d.cfg file with the video and key settings that are nessacery to run this mod as it should you might have to delete this if it wont run. If you can't run Duke and the HRP on the highest settings possible you wont have any luck with this. If you are seeing white boxes at the start this means that you dont have your "High Res Texture Quality" on full. EDIT: The only map available is Liberty City from the Episode screen select. TAB is horn/special effect Pageup is Map Use Key is to enter cars, Only Police, Ambulance and red Corvette are usable at the moment. Press crouch to get out of car.
  4. Because of Eduke32, what I will try and do is make sure that there is no Duke Nukem 3D files required and that way I can make it a mod that doesnt need Duke Nukem 3D and only Eduke32 which is free. As long as it doesnt contain any DN3D files it can be played as is. Sorta like how "A Path Beyond" is to C&C Renegade. Its a mod for Renegade but you dont need to own it to play it.
  5. If this one is successful I will attempt to do the same with GTA II EDIT: Attached a newer screen.
  6. Probley a good decent amount. Textures 99% Models 50-70% Maps 25 % Code 40 % Overall, maybe around the 50% mark, give or take.
  7. I have always wanted to play GTA 1 in a more 3D aspect and not straight down, the only thing that was capable of this was that Junction 25 Beta map editor but then your not really playing the game then. So this was my only way to do it.
  8. Claude is in GTA III also. This is just a poll of modern characters, I guess. I have always said and will stick to my guns that the guy in GTA 3 isnt Claude just because that chick in SA said it once and it could have been any one and that Claude is killed in GTA 2 doesnt make sense to this fact. But then that is for a differnt thread I guess and I dont want to start a war, lol But then I would have to put my bet on CJ myself. I also see there are like a TON of these threads here, whats up with that?
  9. Why is Claude the dude from GTA 2 classic in the list and none of the GTA 1 people? lol
  10. Duke Theft Auto is a modification for Eduke32 (Eduke32 is a highly advanced port used to run Duke Nukem 3D) In which I will be taking the whole aspect of the orignal "CLASSIC" Grand Theft Auto and turning it into a first person perspective. - Rocket Launcher Testing - Pre Alpha Car Driving Test If you are woundering why I would use such an old game as the base for a mod like this there are a number of resons why, Its using Eduke32 which supports a whole new range of CON scripting, support for .MD3 format models, .OGG sound replacement of them midi files or other sound files. (Yes all the great GTA songs are going to be in ) And loads of other great features and the ease of modification. More info can be found here http://amc.planetduke.gamespy.com/sm...p?topic=7793.0 http://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=32744 or here http://duke3d.bur.st/forum/index.php?topic=140.0 Any questions please ask. Note to Mods *** Im not sure if this belongs here as it is a Eduke32/Duke Nukem 3D based mod and I didnt see a place to place mods being built on another engine of GTA, but it is all on Grand Theft Auto and there maybe a few people here who also have Duke Nukem.
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