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The Commander

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Everything posted by The Commander

  1. The next downloadable version I release will be Standalone, meaning that you wont actully need to own Duke Nukem to play it. All the files that are nessacry to play it will be included. This is not illigal either if someone is going to try and say it is, because none of the Original Duke Nukem Material is included.
  2. Because I hardly post my updates at this site and post them mostly on gtagaming.com and all the Duke sites. So this thread isnt often at the top.
  3. I really wish you would stop quoting the whole of my posts, (including the youtube, picture links) its just making this thread look all messy and shit. Please edited your above posts and remove the links. And about your comment, you clearly have not played GTA I, I think you should go play it before making a suggestion like that. This is a "Grand Theft Auto" mod/tc not a Counter-Strike mod.
  4. Did you read the first post of this thread???
  5. Merry Christmas Brand New Video (starts off same as last one but continues) - Best to click this link instead of watching it in the box below or you wont be able to read the words.
  6. I have gone off the GTA I path a little and added a AMMU-NATION. But I think it should suit ok. There will still be boxes that contain weapons around the map.
  7. Some fancy word for a number of things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootleg My guess is he ment Smugling with it...
  8. Rockstar wouldnt even be stupid enough to consider any of that.
  9. Wow, I know what my new mission will be in Duke Theft Auto Mod. Almost every single GTA website fourm is talking about this SD issue more than GTA IV. Its amazing.
  10. Why bump a 4 month old thread with some pictures of guns?!?
  11. I'm not askng for donations for the 155+ mods that I have made I'm asking for donations so that I can make more mods! Yes, I understand. It's just that im not to fond of it being shouted over the main page... I don't really know how to word it, but its sorta like an add or something... Ive only just got up so when ive finished my coffee I might be able to make more sense of it. lol
  12. Maybe I should start asking for donations for my mod? http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19822
  13. I wanted to vote for GTA I being my favorite because with out that game ever being made you wouldnt have what you have today, but its not even in the poll?!?
  14. Obveilsy a number of those would never be in GTA because it would never be allowed to be released and I would not want to see them in it either. Kinda a silly poll TBH.
  15. Small Number Of Fans??? WTF!?! Is that a joke, cos I ROFL when I read that bit.
  16. Its a joke dude, lol. Do you really think I would use Securom on a Duke Nukem modification? I think I might have another release ready by Febuary but most likely March next year.
  17. I have been working on new huds for the cars, I have even made it so that if you get into say the Tanker or 4X4 vehicle the the players first person view will also rise up and be at the actuall point of where the drivers window should be. Same works for cars that are smaller. (If it sounds confusing I will show what I mean later)
  18. In conjunction with the PC version of GTA IV using SecuROM, Duke Theft Auto will now also be using SecuROM. What does this mean? This means that you can only install the mod on one registered machine at a time using the given CD KEY at the time of download. You won't be able to install it on another machine using the same CD KEY. Also you will only be allowed to install it 5 times on a given machine. Have a nice day.
  19. Im always open to more affiliates (or just logo's for a laugh)
  20. Brand new video showing one of the first missions. Must watch in high-quality or the words are impossible to read. (Link is to the HQ version) (This looks shit in this quality)
  21. Ah... Yeah you do. You must have boring radio stations where you come from.
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