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Everything posted by xsf27

  1. Thanks for clarifying Chris, but i think i've managed to solve the problem. I re-installed the game and now i've been able to play the game for over an hour so far with no hiccups. I think it was all due to a corrupt file during the first installation which i stupidly chose to ignore. Should be fine now - thanks again guys... BTW, SP2 seems to be working fine on my system. There doesn't seem to be any lag in GTA|SA whatsoever - in fact, it actually speeds up a bit in some areas when the 'frame limiter' option is turned off.
  2. Thanks for the replies, guys... Chris82: it is not really a no-cd 'patch' per se - it is in fact a no-dvd exe replacement cos i've got the dvd version. Whatever the case, i don't think that's the issue because like i mentioned, it did work fine for a couple of weeks after initial installation with the no-dvd exe running. As for using SP1, i don't think that's plausible cos i don't wanna retrograde my OS just to play a game, if u know what i mean. Slayer: i am in fact running the game just like my native desktop - 1600x1200, 32-bit colour. I neglected to mention that i am using a 19-inch monitor which is more than capable of displaying it - so that's not the problem. GTA|SA did, after all, manage to run on that resolution fine for a couple of weeks before it started to act up. I might just do what you suggested and backup all my moded files and reinstall the whole damn thing!! I'll keep ya guys posted what happens when i eventually get round to doing it. In the meantime, if anyone experiences the same thing (i'm sure you're out there) or if anyone has something to add, feel free to enlighten me!!
  3. Hey All! GTA|SA is an awesome game, but unfortunately i can't seem to play much before the game crashes. Yes, the game does work but at random times - it could be one minute or half an hour into the game - the screen just blacks out and i get the windows message reporting an error and asking if i wish to report it. It then crashes to the desktop. Here are my specs if they help: - P4 2.4Ghz - 1.5 Gb RAM - Nvidia GeForce 6600GT 128Mb (Nvidia driver 77.77) - Windows xp, SP2 - Running @ 1600X1200, 32-bit, highest detail, no anti-aliasing To let you know, i'm using the no-cd patch and i've also installed a few car mods. However, i don't believe these are the causes because when i initially installed the game, it worked fine for a coupla weeks using the no-cd patch. Then it started acting up even before i installed any car mods - of cause, installing the car mods didn't rectify the problem. I'm sure i'm not the only one with this problem and i apologise if this is a repost - i'm new here! Appreciate any help whatsoever. Thanks in advance, guys.
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