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Everything posted by TheKiller

  1. uhh... its around 100 in-game days already and she dont re-appear. if its useful, i have Version 1.01...
  2. I killed a woman (by a mistake) and she appears to be the girlfriend with the garage in San Fierro.... Is there anyway to fix this?
  3. thats a message for everyone as a conclusion: DONT GET TERRITORIES UNTILL U FINISH THE MISSIONS IN LV! Anyway, put some ice in ur mouth or something it isnt the end of the world, when u come back to LS (after u finish LV) wich will be at the end of the game ull be able to get terriroties again, and the groove will be back.
  4. Yeah, if you select the flowers weapon u stand near ur girlfriend and hold TAB, it will show a short cutscene and carl will give her the flowers.
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