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Gerrad 71

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Everything posted by Gerrad 71

  1. Gerrad 71

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    I want to see.... . A new guy in Tommy Vercetti/CJs Gang . BETTER SAFEHOUSES, like mansions, stuff like Tony Montanas . A rich part of town with like snooty people with rich clothes on... Randomly said that and like above you could buy a mansion there. . Probly want Vice City, it was quite cool there . Quad Bikes, More Motorbikes, ,More Sport Cars . Watch people get arrested in the streets, getting searched in the back alleys and stuff . Maybe, i'm not big fan of the idea, but i though what the hey, maybe the ability to go into all houses, look through their windows to see them watching tv, or in apartments looking out the balcony, and maube to be able to go in them. Just a though, it will be waaaay to much to do. . Easter eggs Like, i dunno, easter eggs . I WANT TO SEE Lost And Damned on PS3! . More planes . A better version a Vice City . MORE CLOTHES/Gang Clothes you can wear... Obviously . Have Claude speak . Have Assets. Like the Ballas/Diaz took their territories back. And more i just cbb to say them all.
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