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  1. Thanks man, that worked perfectly. Why anyone would label a visual graphics option "Noise Effect" I can't say; maybe the dude was high.
  2. The Comet and Super GT are my fave exotics. The Oracle is the sexiest luxury sedan but the DFB-90 is the best handling sedan. The Huntley is the finest and best performing SUV but the rare Landstalker with TV screens in the headrests is pretty sweet too. As for non-exotic sports cars, the Feltzer with the top down looks best in my opinion but the Coquette is an amazing track weapon. Don't get me wrong, the Sultan RS performs equal or better but I'm not a fan of its design. As for muscle cars, the Dukes and Sabre GT both have a place in my heart and parking spots. Although the Faction is nice too but ignored by most. Finally my favirote: Bikes. Thanks to TLAD they can now keep up with the exotics in the corners and there are more of them too. The Hakuchou and Double T along with their Custom versions are sexy and fast as anything on four wheels. Same goes for the Bati 800, but its Custom variant isn't anything special. The only non-sport motorcycle I like is the Diabolus, although Johnny's Hexer looks decent and I have yet to the see the Innovation.
  3. Has anyone spotted the Innovation yet? It's the only bike listed for TLAD that I haven't so far.
  4. It is an easter egg. Also, on the dash of the Rhapsody there are some photos lying around; if you zoom in with you sniper you can clearly see a picture of the 2 main characters from the movie. An easter egg within and easter egg; boggles the mind
  5. I'm not enjoying the grain filter in TLAD. I've read from numerous sources that it can be turned off but none of them say how and I've been unable to do so since I downloaded it on the 17th. So my question at this point should be pretty obvious.
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