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Everything posted by Tech

  1. I have version 2 im trying to downgrade to version 1 i'm probably doing it wrong its SA_US_1.01_COLD
  2. When i tryed to apply a san andreas patch it said "Insufficient storage space to apply patch - you need at least 8708096 bytes free." question one is there a solution or explnation. question two is it referring to kilo, mega, or giga bytes. And for my own personal interest what is the hot coffee fiasco thing i've heard about? it is supposedly is the reason they made version two.
  3. for GTA SA you can becuse i did if you didn't see my lap-top credintials
  4. Okay new problem when i tryed to put the patch it said "Insufficient storage space to apply patch - you need at least 8708096 bytes free. first question is there a solution to problem second question is it refering to kilo, mega or giga bytes. _______________________________________________________________ My lap-top credintals (in case it might be the problem): ACER Windows Vista operating system 9100 m G Nividia Geforce AMD Athlon X2 dual-core processor 802.11 b/g WLAN
  5. If that means a program that isnt a cd then no
  6. Greetings peoples when i try to update my GTA SA it will say "old file not found. but a file of the same name has been found but no update done since contents don't match" someone please help.
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