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Mr. Fibuli

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Everything posted by Mr. Fibuli

  1. Nope, I've heard of those, but haven't seen them myself.
  2. I'm not sure if this is a technical issue or if I'm just being a moron and hitting the wrong button. Frequently, when I'm driving somewhere the camera will stop pivoting to the rear of the car when I make a turn. For example, if I'm headed north, the camera is pointed north, but if I make a turn to the east (a right in this case) the camera will remain pointed north. It goes away - eventually - if I just keep driving but it's maddening if it happens during a mission. I can also manually force the camera to where it should be, but that's not really a workable solution for me. I did a web search for "camera issues GTAIV" and read someone saying "That's just the way cameras work in GTA, get used to it" but they sure didn't work that way in San Andreas and Vice City. Is there something I should be doing that I'm not doing or something that I'm doing that I shouldn't be doing or do I really just have to get used to it? Thanks, Mr. Fibuli
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