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Everything posted by RomanViking

  1. So I'm trying to import my own custom objects into the San Andreas gameworld, I can model, texture, and add collisions but I'm having trouble actually getting these models into the game. My question is (for gmax users) do I use KAMs map io script, or the dff script to add map objects? Surely someone knows this.
  2. Links or it didn't happen.
  3. Nevermind, I GOT IT! Turns out i was using the wrong plugin; I was using the plugin for exporting vehicles into dff format, when I should have been using the maps IO plugin... Stupid me only realized this just now.
  4. Thanx Warrior13, I love that movie The Warriors! Anyway, does anyone here know anything about modding? Specifically with gmax; I'm having trouble exporting my model... Clicky
  5. Hi, I was hoping someone experienced with gmax knows how to export a model with collision into dff format (the format GTA uses) I've been using a plugin called KAMs scripts to import models, export collisions, export models into dff format, but it won't work when I try to export a model with collisions! Any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I'm new too. About me: 17 years old, lives in the United States, wants to go to Tokyo Japan but doesn't have the money yet. Loves GTA San Andreas. Very close to importing my own models into San Andreas (made with gmax) but has run into a small obstacle, could use some help. I'll probably be spending time here in the modding sections, and maybe a little in the general chat area. My favorite GTA is SA obvously, my second favorite is GTA IV due to the increased realism.
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