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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Suggestion: Maybe post a pic of the mod you have made.
  2. Why the hell did you copy that..
  3. Well you're right. And the program also has to be optimized for it, otherwise a Quad core will useless (unless you're having things running on one PC.
  4. Dunno what to say about that last thing. Quite cool, but I'll have to get used to that.
  5. Aah, that. One of the things what makes GTA so great. Not only the sex, but also stuff like scolding Driver3, the radio and lots of other things. Reminds about Flash FM: How do you eat your donut? Anyway, the ability to pick up people (how should you otherwise throw them of) sounds pretty cool. Like if you stealth murder someone you have to move the body so the cops won't see.
  6. haha, lol @ Alistair: Isn't that a Recom case? Or it's extreemly simmilar to one.. *checks stats for Graphic cards* @ Tilly: I don't know alot about ATI, but I don't think that G-card was actually designed for gaming, but it's expensive as hell. Edit: Alistair, this is from Recom:
  7. Having a girlfriend will be a problem for porn though.. if she ever finds it out. Anyway, nice pics YJ @Wheelman: If you want those type of pics head over to the random post topic at Forum Fun and Games. Ignore the n00bs. I sometimes post them. If you want to get them yourself, go to 4chan.org and then to /b/. But be warned, some things at /b/ aren't really pleasant to see. But I don't think it'll actually be a prob for you.
  8. Sounds cool. Especially the not being to realistic part. I was scared they would. And can someone tell me what: 'sexual innuendo' means?
  9. You also need the Vice City font for the game.. I can change the .txd's for that. And some clothes.
  10. As far as I know it just takes a long time untill they actually get hosted. Chris manually checks them.
  11. Could you change the grenade into a Wii? I'll give 800 if you do a good job.
  12. Dragon Penis Liberty Crime Penis Penis Mafia No offence.. Penis station 3 Penis 360 The big penis.
  13. Perfect Now I'd give it a 8.7
  14. I'm all over the forums and you don't know me *cries* lol
  15. "Hi there, I'm 'Alistair' from the GTA Place forums, just wondering, can you get on the forums? I can't get on, for some reason it's denying my IP address, but my account is still there, not blocked or anything (I don't see any reason why it would be) - do you mind doing me a favour and starting a forum topic on it in General Discussion :: Lifestyle :: Computer + Tech and post this message (without my email address) in there, call the thread something like 'Help Alistair!' lol I dunno. I can still view the site if I use proxify.com (sort of means the site doesn't know your IP address) which means I can read other people's posts, look at mine and other people's accounts (which is how I got your email) but I can't login and post! I've emailed the moderator but no help yet Thanks a lot if you do help me btw! Alistair" Mail 2: "Okay, now I can't view the forums with proxify.com anymore So now the problem is it always says I am not permitted to use the board! Please can you email me what the reponses to the thread are? Also, ask if it can be my firewall that's doing it (I use ZoneAlarm and Avast Antivirus)." Quote from the mail Alistair sent me. Basically just asking for help. Thought this would be more appropriate then Computer + tech.
  16. Copy cat Penis advance.
  17. Gonna rate again Avatar: 8.5 this time Sig: 8 Perso: Funny avatar guy. And last time it wasn't like that. Then it was all in a row, not two by side. I'd hope so too. But the chance of that ever happening is extreemly slim. So don't expect it to ever happen.
  18. I rofl'ed as hell while reading this Top Penis Penis Gear Spongebob penispants American Penis Beans Penis (holiday) Seconds from the penis (Seconds from Disaster) The 40 year old Penis (Virgin)
  19. 3600 Dar-El, no offence, but who the hell are you? To lazy to check your display name history.
  20. Well that's pretty interesting.. Probably will never be done, but what if they do.. But you're right, it usually ends up as crap.
  21. So you know how to mod? While making some vehicle, could you maybe take screenshots and make a little tutorial of it. I would help lot's of people (including me). ATM there isn't a single tutorial for San Andreas modding (that is making mods, not installing). So uh, please? And Chris might give you a reward
  22. He can't make San Andreas.. Anyway Silb, PM me and I'll help you with that register think.
  23. Support the Random post topic NOW! Put this in your signature: Code: [url="http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9340"][img=http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/7163/randomposttopicadichn6.png][/url] Don't have much else to say..
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