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Everything posted by biggles1000

  1. wow. only 11pm and there's already a low lying medium density fog.

  2. It's 2AM, so goodnight all.

  3. I think I need a new camera. My old Olympus OM10 SLR is good for photos on film, but my Olympus C-370 isn't very good at digital photos.

  4. (I'm not stalking them (or anyone, ever), it's just that the noise of the engine was very loud and got my attention)

  5. I could use photoshop if I wanted to, but (in my opinion)paint.net is better. And hey, it's free.

  6. The most amazing iMac ever (on my opinion) (apart from it's very low specs) http://j.mp/cr0F8l

  7. seriously, BBC newsnight is using footage from wikileaks?

  8. Just saw BBC news 24 saying 'Gazza Trouble'. Pretty sure that's not the first time they've made that typo.

  9. The whole point of iOS was that it was OS X, with a small pocket interface. Why would they bring that to the desktop?

  10. Real pain, stingy companies: RT @V3_co_uk: PC prices stay flat despite falling component costs http://bit.ly/dxSGXE

  11. Will WP7 mean a replacement to device centre? I hope so, as it looks nice, but reminds me of Vista *shudder*

  12. anyway, can't wait for #Chuck S4E1 tomorrow/day after tomorrow!

  13. At last! Reached 100 app updates! (surprised it didn't want to rebuild the app store like photos did) http://twitpic.com/2uy55i

  14. So @adamsbaldwin played 'disgruntled bodyguard'? Sounds about right :P

  15. Currently strongly considering getting an HTC Touch Pro2. It's the next, next, next, next version of my qtek, so not 'too far from home'.

  16. sigh. just saw a broken down lorry with a lorry tow truck, spare lorry cab and an emergency van!

  17. What the what? #Chuck spoiler: Gen. Beckman made Morgan store manager. Awesome!

  18. Oh yeah, #foursquaremustdie. Seriously, people get robbed because they say they're away from home. Don't be a fool!

  19. I just spent the last hour sticking paper logos of favourite websites on my laptop lid as someone deeply scratched it.

  20. Finally watched the #Chuck S4 sneak peek. It looks AWESOME!!! I cannot wait!

  21. Okay. Stuck in traffice because of a tractor. On a main road. Does it really require two police cars and a police van?

    1. Samil


      Tractor on the main road, reminds me of CJ.I dunno who else drives a tractor with 2 police cars and a van :P

      AND on the main road.

    2. The Bossman

      The Bossman

      That would be funny to do as a dare, drive up a motorway with a 70 MPH limit, and just go 10 MPH.

  22. That's even pettier than Apple! RT @jeffjarvis: Isn't HP coming off like a dicky company? http://bit.ly/9zMJlK

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