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Status Updates posted by biggles1000

  1. I used Google Buzz for a bit... I am still having nightmares. Seriously, it's awful!

  2. here's one for you: define yellow. hard, isn't it? (if you think about it deeply)

    1. Djlatino


      Define anyother color.

  3. Ah. 35 app updates after only being away from internet for three days!

  4. Another really funny one! : 'I Don't Want Directions: http://xkcd.com/783 (via @xkcdapp)'

  5. just thought of the perfect analogy; email is like a phone message (voicemail), IRC (or google wave) is like a phone call.

  6. Waiting for the Mafia 2 demo to download. Hope it persuades me to buy it :)

  7. Just watched #Inception . Despite it being all about dreams, it was a very good film.

  8. Aww, twitter thinks I'm in 'Dacorum, Hertfordshire'

  9. I'm back! (but in Berkhamsted not Salisbury for probably the week)

  10. Just had 2 blue screens of death in five minutes. Not good. Good thing I have everything backed up and more than one hard drive.

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