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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Not to put you in the spot light, but a lot of people say "a big universe"...as if there is more than one and that our's isn't the biggest, but pretty big. Think about that, our universe doesn't have an actual size...at least not to our knowledge and when people say that the universe is "big, "huge" or whatever...makes it sound like the universe has an actual size. I guess a better way of putting it is "The universe is endless and we don't know anything about it." or as Dazza puts it "yet we know jack about it". Would if the universe had a size though? What would be at the end...a wall? I'm not sure about you guys, but I like thinking about this stuff...as for some, they say it hurts their head. I just think they have nothing to say about the subject and they use that as an excuse.
  2. That's some funny ass shit. First GTAIV Mission: Reformation Last GTAIV Mission: End of the Line
  3. I would steal a cop car to get away from them. The cop cars seem to be the fastest cars in the game.
  4. Because the wealthiest of people and the people with the most power in the world are apart of this society...making the society powerful it's self. The evidence are people and they kill those people so they don't leak info out...why else would they kill them? You're probably gonna ask "How do you know that the freemasons killed them?" like a moron, but they have signature kills that are well documented and I bet you're gonna have a smart ass remark about this as well.
  5. What are you asking? If it has Blu-Ray? If that's what you're asking then yes it does...cause it kicks ass...
  6. What are you talking about? That's like pocket change.
  7. Check this out. If you guys are really interested in this stuff, you'll love this. Space New Worlds
  8. I see. So, you constantly mention these "facts and proof" that is out there, but don't provide me a link so I can read up on it? You wanted a debate, to know about people's thoughts on all of this and when I disagree you get snippy. Wow, way to prove your point. If you want to debate then debate. Show me these facts that are out there that I don't have straight. Please. I'm sure in all your years on this earth you have been able to amass a lot of knowledge on the subject and are now an expert on it? I'm not claiming to have all the facts. I'm saying that from what I've heard, read, etc. that I see no proof to thinking the masons run the world. Are there coincidences that are freaky? Sure. But I bet you can find them almost anywhere. Keep on calling me names and shit though. That proves your point moreso than backing your arguments up. See, Freemasons like people like you, people that they could trick. They could easily go and get rid of any evidence that may lead to their secrets. Seeing as they get rid of the evidence...there isn't any proof for people like you to ew and aw about.
  9. Well that's bullshit. Maybe Rockstar is just saying that...sorta like them saying that VCS would never get ported to the PS2...but it is...you never know.
  10. Hmmm...really? Well in that case, go here and find a sense of humor.
  11. Ok, sorry guys. Something got messed up when I put the link in. Check it out now. I tested the link
  12. This shit is hilarious. Check it out. Kid Pranks Hotel Front Desk
  13. Bullshit, conspiracies are all bullshit, especially the retards who think 9/11 is a conspiracy. Don't you think people have better things to do than making everyone afraid all the time? Well there is this. Conspiracy
  14. Ummm...yeah, why would you guys want this? All I want is more missions and if Rockstar adds new missions to the game through downloadable content, I'd be happy. I don't get why you guys would be asking for these little things instead of better things such as extra missions every so often.
  15. Well there is one in our galaxy and it has an orbit and could get pretty close to us, but not close enough to suck us in...still far away, but not that far away from the gravitational pull.
  16. LCS PS2 never had multiplayer and I think it'll be the same thing with VCS. Yeah, and Rockstar wants to improve on these things.
  17. Yeah, pretty impressive...not saying he used my ideas, but some of the stuff he used is what I used in mine.
  18. It is quite possible that the government holds stuff that we would never believe. Look at the weapons the government has. But what does that have to do with the Masons? Because the high technology that this group may have would boggle our minds and you wouldn't even believe the things they could do with it to spy on innocent people.
  19. Yeah that's right, Sony all the way. Screw XBox. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna buy this...I just need some money damnit.
  20. ANYWAYS, what does everyone else think of Freemasons?
  21. Yeah, I watched that on the discovery channel too...which is why I made this topic. I believe that it is very possible that the Freemasons know about everything that ever happened...especially with today's technology. Do you guys really think we have anything close to the most high tech stuff out there? We're probably decades if not centuries behind what the government holds.
  22. Freemasons The World's Oldest Secret Society This secret society is rumored to have been started over 3,000 years ago. This society pretty much controls the world; it's a hidden government that has power over all other branches of government through out the world. The Freemasons were involved with every single conspiracy you have ever heard and are behind the world's most disastrous events ever played out through out history and before. Some documented Freemasons that are commonly heard are people such as: George Washington, King George VI (1895-1952), Henry Ford, Harry Houdini, Harland "Colonel" Sanders, Dave Thomas (found of "Wendy's" Restaurants) along with many many many more well known people in history. This society will stop at nothing to keep what they do a secret; even kill innocent or important people. These people know whole killed JFK, know what happened at Area-51 in 1947 and know everything and anything that happens in the world...even when you pick your nose. Please post what you think about this powerful ancient secret society.
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