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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Maybe small assumptions, but someone assuming that I'm fighting with them is a pretty large false assumption. And again you come to an assumption. I base my religious beliefs off of the Old Testament, not this new stuff. I also like how you continue to use Wikipedia, aside from those other ones, which I don't understand. I don't see cloning as a threat to my religion. Yes, God is the only one that could create life, but I feel that by creating life means new life...not copied life. We're simply copying his work. Sort of like those tards that steal people's work and call it their own. Depending on the way you look at it. We're all contributing to killing the earth by exerting energy, which is considered pollution to some.
  2. But you have to remember, Home is free. Sony is going to make money off of what we buy for Home. I'm planning on spending around $60, depending on how much everything is. Since it's free, I find it a bargin until I pass $60 on stuff. I probably won't spend more than that. I just hope my thoughts on how much everything will be is correct.
  3. It would still be a bitch because of how much you'd have to scroll just to move it. Like I said, if you're used to this stuff, it's actually easier doing it that way.
  4. That's only to edges, isn't it? It would just get really annoying snapping every time I pass over the middle. And the grid would be your best bet if you want it as centered as possible. Well you learn a few tricks here and there when playing with Photoshop so much, such as zooming in all the way so it doesn't snap. When zoomed in all the way it moves pixel by pixel. That would be HELL on an image that's 3072x2304. Even on a standard 1024x768 it would suck. Well hopefully you would be able to get it into the general area first before you zoom in that far. I think you'd be able to pin point where you want to move something as you're zooming in.
  5. What do you mean what does it have to do with anything? You're saying that these sins are "flaws"...Microsoft's 360 has flaws... You understand now? Why do you always assume that we're going to fight about something? It's only a fight if you intend it to be and as for me, I don't intend to fight with you about anything. You just assume things, which is one of the things wrong with today's youth.
  6. Just because one thing about my religion is "bullshit" to you doesn't mean that the entire religion is bullshit. Microsoft had a shit load of messed up 360s...does that make all of Microsoft bullshit?
  7. That's only to edges, isn't it? It would just get really annoying snapping every time I pass over the middle. And the grid would be your best bet if you want it as centered as possible. Well you learn a few tricks here and there when playing with Photoshop so much, such as zooming in all the way so it doesn't snap. When zoomed in all the way it moves pixel by pixel.
  8. Oh, ok. I thought you were talking about Home and shit.
  9. Well, like any game, you have to get used to it. I certainly have.
  10. I was just watching the news and they were talking about the Vatican adding new sins. The sins consisted of the following: Drugs Pollution Genetic manipulation So since pollution is now a sin...we're all screwed.
  11. Aww cool, where did you find the locations? Were they on the RSS Feed? If I had transportation there I would definitely go and see them for myself.
  12. Along with the new controller. Well, yeah, but that's a given. You sort of need a controller to play. I was talking about the new one with the Duel Shock. It may be a little ridiculous.... But imagine how many online games force you to pay for them, pay monthly, buy shit using real money, etc. On The Sims Online((which is very much like HOME)), you could do everything just like in The Sims, but you COULD buy more money with real money. Now you know what I think would be a good idea? Points. Achieving points from doing certain things in games, and using those to buy your shit. Kind of like the aspiration points on The Sims 2, only it could be the main currency, and not a secondary one. You guys call the models by the HDD size, and then MishoM says that the 40GB isn't going anywhere, but maybe it will get a hard drive upgrade? Wouldn't it no longer be the "40GB" then? Why would online games force us to pay them? PSN is FREE!!!, I'm pretty sure you could unlock items and sell them as well, so you could make money on their without spending a dime. I just heard from my friend that the 40GB is going. I'm not sure how true that is.
  13. Building houses was tough in the first Sims game for the PS2, but they have made it easier since. They've also brought the view closer to the sims, which makes it nice. You also have the option to walk around with them instead of telling them where to go, which I like using.
  14. LOL, does England even have Best Buys? If they do I could always send you the slip for it, but you'd probably have to show ID when you went to pick it up anyways. Anywho, I'll update the pictures when I get home today. EDIT: Well I'm home, so here are the pictures...ENJOY!!!
  15. I think there is a way, but I never felt like looking for it. I found it faster to just take a guess. Sometimes centering the entire image doesn't even look centered, such as the GTA logo. You're just better off guessing with that. I'll take a look though when I get home.
  16. The PS3 and 360 have keyboards and mouses that you could buy. I'm pretty sure the PS3 could handle the same version of the Sims 3 as the PC can.
  17. My PSN ID is GTADon. I pretty much have the same alias wherever I go. My controller is sorta fucked up, I need to connect the USB cable for it to turn on, otherwise it won't turn on properly, just those red lights start flashing. When I connect the cable and take it out, it still works; when I turn the PS3 on, I need to connect the USB cable for it to 'work'. Do you leave your PS3 on standby? That might be your problem. If you leave it on standby then the controller continues to use the battery until it runs out. I tried to keep my PS3 on standby for the PSP connection thing, but when I got home the controller needed to be charged. If you leave it on standby, leave your controller plugged in. You already have your PSN name on the first page of this topic(if you didn't know). Have you gotten any other games lately? All you have listed under your games are Resistance, MotorStorm and your GTAIV pre-order.
  18. Yeah, the Niko one is old, but not that particular picture of it.
  19. You could always get a keyboard and mouse for the PS3.
  20. I was checking out the GTAIV RSS Feed and found these pictures. I'm not sure if anyone posted these any where on here, but this is the first time I've seen these particular pictures.
  21. Well they could make things like actually playing chess optional. It would be a new command after you get them to start playing chess or something. I think that it's possible to make the PC and console versions identicle now with the PS3 and 360. Hard drives help a lot.
  22. All of those have been done in one game or another. And since when have you NOT been able to play chess? In The Sims Online you went to work and controlled your Sim. The Sims 2 DOES have 4-story houses. Object-limit? Not on the PC versions. If a limit exists on the PC version.... You won't hit it... Trust me on that one... Chestnut has the busiest houses I've ever seen. When were you actually able to play chess?????? The Sims only do. Exactly, you went online...with the PC version. I'm talking about the console version....The console version of the Sims DOES NOT have 4-story houses. There is an object limit in the console version...I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE PC VERSION. If you can play The Sims 2 with two expansion packs, there's hardly a reason to play the console versions. I absolutely despise the console versions. So much harder to control, and it takes away the biggest attraction the game has.... Customization. Downloading new objects, skins, houses, etc. has become fun in itself. I use to spend hours downloading new objects, and then hours playing with them. Oh, the days of having a 4-6GB Sims directory((the game requirements are only like 300MB, no?)) I'm pretty sure we tested pool-death on The Sims 2. I don't recall if it worked, but I want to say they fixed that. However, burning them to death, still works. And cheating on your wife with the maid in front of the kids, is a sure-fire family-destroyer((it was practically the first thing I did when we loaded the game up)). We only bought The Sims 2 in August.... Of '07...... Fuuuuck you, Maxis! ....... I mean, I love you Maxis! I always enjoyed the console versions because of the storyline, but I'd much rather play on the PC, but my computer sort of sucks when it comes to The Sims and I don't feel like getting a new one. I just want a console version that is pretty much the same as the PC version...with the storylines still intact.
  23. ...Yeah...but if you didn't know, GTAIV isn't out yet...I got a GTAIV poster with a GTAIV Pre-order.
  24. Well Charger you can't just copy these images from R* because the picture is movin slowly + you don't get a option to copy those images* Uhhh...print screen maybe...
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