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  1. Hey welcome to an adult conversation, i was picking a point out, dont act childish it really doesnt say much for who you are. And your an Admin pff shows the age genre here dont it. Its called Beastiality, and no it aint queer you unlightend tard, its information most adults already know, u incompetent fool.
  2. Not even close to all the planes, but good selection WHAT!! whats the deal with Some kind of WWII army-american plane type thingie, whys it got to be american? the Spitfire aint american, the Hurricane, and there the best 2 wwII planes about thats not including the lancaster Bomber, them 3 would pawned any american WWII planes, American pff please.
  3. lol this thread goes no where, talking about gays, dudes what has inspired this topic to take place. to you Spaz: I still stand by Veteran is a term used for the Armed forces, you may call your self a veteran and others can call you it, but lets just agree to disagree, because you wont get me calling you a veteran any time soon. So lets put that to rest. Back to topic when you guys talk about gays, you talk in a one sided gendern there are females out there that dont in spazes words "bumf**k. i have nothing against gays, bi or anyone, but if your gunna start being sexual dont do it on the street where everyone can see you, do it in a private place, that goes for all sexual preferences, i think most would agree, that seeing 2 guys snoggin out side the supermarket is very off putting. But then lets go further, into what if someone likes to screw animals what are your thoughts on that? i bet its a sickening thought, it is in everyones head, it ranks close to watching an execution whilst trying to get your jollys off its just not right, and whilst the gay community see that as sick, some straight community see gay as sick, so matter what everyone will have an oppinion on someone. if people think different please let us here your views.
  4. ahh home town wishes, i bet you'd be playing at your house all the time if that came true.
  5. I wont apologise for stating my oppinion, heres for you there spaz a veteran is a person who is experienced in a particular area, and is particularly used to refer to people in the armed forces. It often refers to retired service personnel. A veteran is one who has served in the armed forces and has an honorable discharge; a common misconception is that one has either been in combat and/or is retired from active duty to be called a veteran http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veteran Read it, before you call your self or anyone a veteran so unless youve been in the gta place army you can stop calling your self it, you know nothing of this word, im here to state my oppinions and to right wrongs within people like you, you call me arrogant, i call it as i see it, and i do believe ive just shattered your dreams of the word VETERAN. Dont try and get one over on me, because it will never happen! Ladies and Gents its been a pleasure but i have other things to do right now, Spaz please return when you want another verbal ass kicking. I love these kinds of threads.
  6. 100% agreed, but one thing they dont have is my visual mind, they have many great minds, and they have a team, GFX, to Sound, yea i know, i wont be a one man army will i so yes before i get the third degree of Rockstar are great because they have a team. i know it all to well
  7. Dude veteran? really come on, please define what is veteran about moderating a forum. Please use your terms correctly.
  8. Congratulations on seeing what site your actually on, THE GTA PLACE, so a gta forum where it says general discussion, could mean general discussion on GTA insted of defined to one topic about it, you SPOON. Go correct your self
  9. im actually going through college for being a game creator so if i eva make it big, GTA will look like a shape in the dust of my creation, i like the "NoBody Special" under my name it makes me feel really at home here
  10. on Vrock and Radio X is it, Guns n roses, welcome to the jungle awesome song from an awesome band, but they need some heavy rock like, deep purple, the foreigner song on VC dieing in your arms tonight, they need better stuff like blue morning blue day, or double vision by foreigner not dieing in your arms tonight which is good but not as good as them, more GNR needs to be added.
  11. just gotta ask Whats this got to do with GTA? i thought i may have been gay, but it sort of faded away through out the puberty years, now i can say im 100% straight.
  12. cant say i have a fav car im more of a aircraft man myself, the rustler suits me just liek a world war 2 plane, shame it didnt come with a machine gun.
  13. I'd preffere a whole range of maps and not stuck to one like vice city and san andreas, i want a map that i have to fly from island to island that has some water in between, like the sea. say you fly from america to london in a commercial airliner, that you can pilot your self, not just one big island joined by bridges. at least 2 mins of water in between at least 4 island maps. and Rockstar it wont hurt to put a bit of snow on the game for once. as for vehicles get more planes, more cars, and get a ferry or an ocean liner, the bigger the better, more military planes, the rhino tank is becoming a bore to me. stuff like that i could go on for ever for new features but i shant
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