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Everything posted by BenL2418

  1. You can use DYOM ( Design Your Own Mission ) to do that, DYOM is for making a simple mission. DYOM have a function called '' cutscenes'', you can set time to make how long the cutscenes film you, what actor says, who will be filmed in the cutscnes etc. You can just search ''GTA SA DYOM'' in yahoo or something, download it ( you need to have CLEO3 first ) , type ''GTA SA DYOM'' in youtube to see how people did that
  2. BenL2418

    CJ skin

    What you need to do: There have ''V1'' and ''V2'' files, Inside there have ''army.dff'' and ''army.txd'', you need to replace the ''army.dff'' and ''army.txd''in gta3.img, You just need to choose V1 or V2 is better, and using IMG Tool to find ''army.dff'' and ''army.txd''. Right click the ''army.dff'' and ''army.txd'' , choose ''Replace'', and choose the ''army.dff'' and ''army.txd'' located in ''V1'' or ''V2'' folder. Then the original army will be changed into the style in your downloaded style. If you want to replace another ped model, just correct the ''army'' of the .dff and .txd into any other ped name. You can find theese ped names in peds.ide. P.s This file can't use into CJ ( player ) , it just can be use in peds models. If you really want to use this model, download the skin changer and you can play it. Hope this can help you
  3. Hello eveyone, I'm new in this forum, and can you guys help me to make a ped model which is Mike from GTA Advance? ( Someone made Claude Speed in GTA 2, why no Mike! ) I have found that all GTA Protagonist ( EXCEPT GTA1, GTA London ) models can be download, but still no any Mike in GTA San Andreas, so I want you guys help me to make him... P.S.I don't know how to use 3DSmax, so I want you guys to help. In this link you can see his full model on the right-top corner of the website: http://www.gta-series.com/it/advance/gioco.html This is his face: http://gta.wikia.com/Mike Thanks.
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