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Posts posted by Gourangamania

  1. 1) During the second 'Yay' Money to San Fierro mini-mission, the Grove Street couriers drive a tan, notch-back Patriot.

    2) Respond positively to the phone call from Cesar initiating this mission, then drive quickly to your stored tow-truck, ignoring the Patriot.

    3) Once in the tow-truck, track down the Patriot and follow it to the end of the mission; triggered by the Patriot being bumped, dropping all its cash.

    4) It helps to pull ahead of the Patriot at some point and snipe his gunman only, the driver is otherwise invincible, and the Patriot's door is locked.

    5) When the mission ends, the Patriot will drive-on but now only as a fairly normal vehicle, both driver and vehicle are still secure, but free to take by other means.

    6) So, follow the Patriot closely until it eventually hits another car. Its driver will get out to fight the driver it hits, at this point sneak in, hook the Patriot with your tow-truck and drive off.

    7) Once the Patriot is safe in your garage it unlocks. Take it for a spin and show off your new Bullet-proof, Bomb-proof vehicle.

    Oops, and the save game.

    Additional: This Patriot, unlike the LC bullet-proof Patriot appears to also be no fault collision-proof. If I hit something it does damage to the vehicle, but if something hits the vehicle, it does no damage at all. I did donuts on Ganton's main avenue for ten-minutes and saw more than one police car explode, just from ramming into me.

    How to Really Steal the Patriot


  2. More solutions:

    Thanks for the Mulholland Solution. lil weasel, it appears to require one additional vehicle perhaps two, one to climb on up to the roof, and perhaps one to hold open the garage so you can even see the chopper. Did not confirm this though. Still genius move! I'll likely keep a second up there.

    I tried Ganton garage as well, it was too tight a landing and once parked the garage never moofed the chopper. Same at Verdant garage as well.

    My favorite remains, the The tow truck solution. to my under powered push vehicle problem.


    Ultimate solution: What this game should have is a spawn spot, collect enough something's and you get one outdoor spot you can park anything you like on, for not just repair but auto spawning whatever last sat there at save game time.


    And unrelated, I do catch a lot of flak for my usage of GTA3 with regard to SA and VC, rather than as you say LC, but to me, GTA San Andreas, Liberty City, and Vice City are top-down maps from GTA1, not entire games. And GTA3 clarifies this search confusion by listing its generation. Best to just ignore me, I ain't changing because there is no way to not know what I mean when I use it, but saying GTA San Andreas, has a way, if very remote.


  3. GTA3 San Andreas: How to Really Steal the Seasparrow

    1) At any point in GTA3 San Andreas, typically before moving on to the second city, you can steal the Seasparrow.

    2) Grab the Jetmax north of Los Santos, I typically acquire 4 wanted stars in this process, get in and motor north.

    3) The Seasparrow sits in the water off the dock, at absolute center and north of the map.

    4) Fly the sparrow, even further north for just a short hop, then get out and float until your fourth star disappears.

    5) Move quickly away once it does, fly low and fast to avoid the choppers, no missiles will come at three stars.

    6) Fly the coast until you reach the shipyard, then, while in the chopper, grab the police bribe on top of the bridge.

    7) Next I grab the second bribe in the flood basin, and wait out the third, at this point you're free to move about.

    8) But, I prefer a self-spawning chopper, so I take it directly to my ghetto house in Verdant Bluffs.

    9) With a Ranger, NRG-500 and tiny car Flash in the garage, I land from the southwest, in front of the driveway.

    10) With the sparrow manually pushed tail toward the garage, I use the Ranger to gently push it all-the-way in.

    11) Use the NRG-500 to block the garage door open while doing so, the Flash sits behind the sparrow to push it out later.

    12) Viola, self-spawning helicopter, Grand Theft style! Oh, and I later replaced the push vehicle with Denise's Green Hustler.

    13) And yes, that is a mini-gun on its nose. Happy Hunting.



  4. Looks perfect, and $9.99 exactly how much has been rotting in my paypal account. Thanks, you win! every other forum failed to answer this question, you are king of today. :cheers:



    Most of this entire questions salvation. www.xpadder.com, a nifty little program, only $9.99 through paypal or cc, that allows you to operate your keyboard (for anything) through your joystick. So, with relation to this game, I found that if I set GTA3SA to keyboard and mouse, then set xpadder to emulate my keyboard through my gamepad, by using this program to map each key to a gamepad button, I was able to operate GTA3SA with gamepad AND keyboard and mouse all at the same time, with the same gamepad feel and operation as before, but now with all three controls functioning at once. And, if that weren't enough, as though a divine gift from the great god, Donkey Kong, if i hold down my right mouse button while running, it allows me to freely target and shoot without the PS2 auto targeting getting in the way.

    Mind you, I still haven't found the no rain button, or the button where the cars don't drive like they are riding on top of beachballs, or the button where delivery trucks handle based on the center of actual mass, not the center of their visual mass, or the button where that nasty prossie gets slightly better looking, or the button where i can stop listening to the same stupid street comments over and over and over. Or the button that lifts the camera to a height where i can see where i am going, or the button that makes 4 garages actually hold 4 cars... But... I can live with this, and hope the rest of us controller freaks benefit as well. www.xpadder.com click it, but it, smile.

  5. [bustago]

    You are likely correct, but because there are multiple GTA San Andreas games in this searchable world, adding the game generation title 3 distinguishes this third generation from those before after and yet to come.


    I use just a normal PS2 clone, called snakebyte Final fantasy controller, 12 buttons, 2 mini-joysticks one d-pad, and keyboard L-ALT to creep, with... the reliance of a completely incompetent, PS2 derived GTA auto targeting system that leaves me time-and-again in the middle of the street, surrounded by cops and gangsters - deserving the best of thrashings - and me toggling through locked on passers-by walking along the sidewalk, while they swiss-my-cheese, as each new retargeting fails to find the priority target, or worse fails, then leaves me spun in a direction that i've never even seen, forcing my to navigate back to my original course by the bullet trails through my blood stained corpse.

    Had i had a simple mouse, point and click solution, to augment my direction, as we all used for GTA3 LC and VC, this otherwise stunning game would be superb, but now its like an alphabet with no vowels. this auto targeting system is like playing the old game wearing welding gloves - no feel for the fray. Should I play as a pacifist, or not at all.

    To bad Rockstar had to favor the mouseless PS2 market, this might have been the greatest game ever made. Guess us PC'ers didn't matter at this time. Seems like the only question left is did they continue in this vain, is it divided controls and effectively mouseless from SA on through 4s and 5, is GTA dead to me? or can someone take the time to build a proper patch that I might be allowed to play this game as the NVIDIA splash screen claims, "the way it is meant to be played."

  6. GTA3: San Andreas

    Joypad OR Keys + mouse

    GTA1, 2 and 3 veterans know, control is everything. This means fully functional Joypad + Keyboard + Mouse.

    GTA3SA has all these capabilities like every game before, but some wise knob thought why not limit their ability to work together, because of course, as we all know, everyone loves limits.

    When i run Joypad, my mouse does not aim, shoot, look while running, or do anything my right arm wants fine-control of. When i select Keys + Mouse, i get these capacities but suddenly my general purpose aim shoot look while running on the joypad (right thumb stick) does not function as it just previously did, leaving me to scream: why doesn't the camera just follow me? When i turn around, i see my face and not where i am going, on what planet would this be useful? How can you run in keys and mouse mode, with auto camera follow, and if not how can you run at all? To control a game you must have all the controls available and or a camera that follows you. - I will not adapt to this programmed paralysis.

    These limits are all very basic controls within the program itself. I retool this sort of stuff in other formats and languages daily for other poorly coded purposes, but here i'm useless. Some one with the skills to retool this non-option, please take the time to make a "GTA3SA full-control mod: joypad + keys + mouse". We will all look for it. I'm not alone, and I'm not going to play another minute of this until someone fixes it. there could be no point. the world is full of better controlled games. control is everything. without it what do we have?

  7. Like everyone who has ever played any form of GTA (except its developers apparently) I also use (previously) 1) ps2 joypad with 2) mouse for shooting and run looking, and 3) keyboard when eating. and ALL of the time some combination of these three controllers, with no menu shuffling whatsoever. How can I make GTA SA allow this combination, am i to run and drive but not look or shoot until i switch back to the main menu to switch controls, do they expect me to out hustle 6 stars in a manana from the keyboard? Just running around the opening block found me engaged in gang warfare.

    Please tell me there is a gamepad + mouse ++ keyboard solution!!

  8. Probably a good question, for a more versed player than I. I've only played this game once, and could not say if i have or not completed that mission, but can say I've never cheated or used another known trick to get where I did. Further, the game saves GTAVCsf3.b and GTAVCsf4.b are now available on the referenced website above for download that we might all see, and play, and try this maneuver ourselves, today.

  9. GTA3 - Vice City: How to Really Steal the Hunter

    1) Begin 'All Hands on Deck!' Episode - Final Mega Yacht Mission.

    2) Eliminate the first three boats, eliminate the next three dinghies and the cat.

    3) Steal the "Tropic" large yacht that pulls along side the mega yacht.

    4) Pull the Tropic to the back of the mega yacht, shoot the first two helicopters.

    5) Move quickly away before the Apache (Hunter) attack copter appears.

    6) Sail to the last dock before Starfish island on the city side, with Hunter following.

    7) Run along seawall, with Hunter following, to airport turn off.

    8) Run to grass field behind Sunshine Motors, with smaller rifle from yacht, shoot at pilot of Hunter.

    9) The driver door must pop open, the Hunter must land with only one explosion, the blades must be visible.

    10) Push Hunter into first garage bay at Sunshine Motors using infinite super run, and a lot of patience.

    11) Close garage, open, smile. But, DO NOT TOUCH! Return to Tropic, motor back.

    12) Sink final boats, be careful of lingering gunmen, do not try to re-board mega yacht.

    13) Hunter now lives in your garage like any other car, only, just push out to use.



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