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Posts posted by Tyla

  1. The PSP version of the Godfather was pretty bad. but i remember that barzinis gang

    Mob Wars was shit, way downgraded than the ps2 original. For those of you who havent watched the godfather, Barzini created a setup behind the main character(Don Vito Corleone)'s back, and had his son, Sonny Corleone, killed. This ultimatly leads to the next don, don micheal corleone, having the head 5 dons killed(barzini,cuneo,moe green,stracci and tattaglia).

  2. I think reating oyur own gang would work perfectly fine, it would follow the same story line and missions but atleast it would be customizable.

    What would members call themselves in cut scene's? Kid? Man? Dude? Thats the problem with creating your own stuff.

    what's so hard about that you could just give them names

    Yes, you can give them names, but how will they be said in dialogue? What if i wanted to call one of my characters Tyla, what are the odds that i would here the character saying 'oh yeah Tyla did this Tyla did that'. But i like Tillys idea of you being able to customize the character yourself, but the name, dialogue alredy set.

  3. Steering wheels that move. I just remembered that about San And. The wheels don't move, and the interior looks like crap. Also, you should have working wipers that can go defect, and if it goes defect you'l see all those rain drops making visibility bad. Ad's to the realism.

    Definatly, good job on bringing that up.

  4. I think reating oyur own gang would work perfectly fine, it would follow the same story line and missions but atleast it would be customizable.

    What would members call themselves in cut scene's? Kid? Man? Dude? Thats the problem with creating your own stuff.

  5. Tommy, easily. Just to clarify what most of you are saying Tommy had no family, remember Tommy was just starting when we completed Vice City. And to those of you who are saying 'tommy had no friends', what about Umberto Robina? Donald Love? Kent Paul? Rosenberg? Cortez? Mercades? Love Fist? Big Mitch Baker?. When CJ killed Tenpenny and finished off the Ballas what do you realistically see him doing?

  6. I like the idea about different gang members/peds/cops. Maybe you could see a ped smoking a cig? on a mobile phone? carrying a beatbox?(lolz) or listening to an mp3, that would be cool. And on cops, definatly. There should be atleast 3 different forms of standard police cruiser, if i use SA as an example, the squads in LS and SF were both newer model Caprice's, whilst the squads in LV were older model Caprice's. Maybe we could have an old cruiser, new cruiser, pursuit cruiser, state patrol cruiser, state patrol SUV, something like that. Also different types of cop. Younger trainee cop who is more trigger happy, experienced cop, who likes to play out a situation, and an old cop aproaching retirement, who cant chase you as far or as fast as the younger cops. I would also like to see black and white cops. You have never seen a black cop in GTA before(exept for tenpenny), so i think it would be a welcome addition.

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