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Everything posted by venom07

  1. Hey f*cker i hate to break it 2 u but i dont live in london.And if it's is gonna be in new york,if it REALLY IS! then rockstar have missed a gr8 opportunity.
  2. Im not buyin a ps3 just 4 this sh*t in october.
  3. Actually they didn't say it was going to be in London, they haven't even officially said where it is. So there still could be hope yet that it's in the uk...like that other guy said about the trailers.everyone had their hopes up about it being in london.seriously this is gonna be crap if it's just a remake of gta3.But hey it's only march.
  4. Nooo wtf were rockstar thinking.new york ffs...those c*nts said it was gonna be in london.now im pissed off.
  5. Er u sayin i dont know what the weathers like in braitain? you've lived where for 20 years? chicago? what's that gotta do with anything? and no it snows about once a year if ur lucky here.So thats just bullsh*t comin from yank's who've never even stepped foot out of their own f*ckin country,sayin it just rains all the time.
  6. Actually u automatically assume because it's the u.k, its just wet or cold all the time.It isnt. and it doesnt snow that much either.Carcer city? think not.
  7. Erm well ive never heard them talk about "china" .ohio? wtf OHIO? r u serious? and yes they talk about britain all the time on the radio.I think people on these forums r just biased americans anyway so it wouldnt matter what i say(i dont mean anyone in particular,just generally). But the fact is if u dont like the uk ur just gonna have to get used to it,cause u know its gonna happen.But the 60's? come on now....just because an old psone game was in the 60's, doesnt mean anything.
  8. Hmm everyone's entitled to their oppinion n that ,but its just more obvious it'll be london with the music and stuff.Set in the mid to late 90's(1997 i reckon),with brit pop music,and stuff like prodigy,blur,underworld etc. Oh and someone mentioned they hint at the next place on the radio,well they talk about london and the uk non stop on vice city stories and there's loads of little references on shops etc. It just makes sense. I havent heard them mention tokyo on vcs once? when was that?
  9. Errr can i just say something.Why is there gta location idea's when everyone knows its gonna be in london.It just makes sense.I think they would've made their minds up about the location years ago.
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