Can someone can make the DFF models of:
. 2007 Camaro Bumblebee
.Optimus Prime
. Ratchet
. Ironhide
. Starscream
. G1 Megatron
. G1 Starscream
Everyone in High Res and Robot mode pleaseee...
I will give Credits for it, Thanks for Your Attention
Here the Folder with the TXD Textures:
162831457_Bumblebee072007.txd 2046387687_G1MegatronMovie.txd 2022990085_G1StarscreamMovie.txd 678072984_Ironhide2007.txd 1356377790_OptimusPrime2007.txd 1133404269_Ratchet2007.txd 280940855_RobovisionOptimusPrime2007.txd 2084741080_Starscream2007.txd