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Help with a (seemingly) simple mod

Matt J

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Today I discovered custom vehicles for GTA. Which is awesome, because I've always wanted a DB9. The problem is, the ones out there just seem to be all... wrong. They look fine, and I have installed them with SAMI, but there are problems.

There's one by ZorroRX that sounds and looks great, but it handles like a really fast, fat bull. There's another one by JGem that looks even better, but sounds all wrong and is just stupid to drive.

I guess my question would be -

1. How would I modify ZorroRX's car (for my own use, with permission if necessary) to have handling like one of the high end cars of the game, possibly the bullet or the jester.

2. How would I modify JGem's car to sound like the Buffalo and have handling like the Jester?

Sorry if this is all stupidly complex or incredibly easy, it's just those niggling little details that would really make this great.

Thanks very much,


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Don't worry, I figured out how to do it.

As far as getting a good engine sound goes, the Buffalo, Infernus and Alpha all use the same file. And seeing as the Alpha is pretty bloody rare, putting whichever custom car you want over the top of that should mean you don't see it that much.

With the handling, I used the San Andreas Mod Installer. By going into the Readme.txt file of the folder you're installing the car from, you can change the handling line there to one taken from the Handling.cfg file in the data directory of your San Andreas folder. In this case, I used the Cheetah's stats, but lightened up the steering mass a little bit to give a little life to the turns.

If anyone needs any help with this to make their car just right, just PM me.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Don't worry, I figured out how to do it.

As far as getting a good engine sound goes, the Buffalo, Infernus and Alpha all use the same file. And seeing as the Alpha is pretty bloody rare, putting whichever custom car you want over the top of that should mean you don't see it that much.

It doesn't make the vehicle rare as the mod should come with handling,default and carcols in the READ ME.

It all depends on the default.ide file

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