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making car cols

killa killer

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i downloaded JVT's car colours mod a while back and I wondered how to make my own because i have a load of colours that i liked and wanted to put them in game.

so here's how.

open up carcols in notepad and you will see a bunch of numbers on the left a # then a name and the colour type.

there are three numbers on the left they look something like


the first number is the red value

the second number represents the green number

and the third number represents green value

after this is the # meaning number then a number next to it.

this number is very important.

if you look down the page the are the car names and a bunch of numbers next to them.

this tells the game wich numbers the car will spawn ing


a sunrise would have the colours,12,12,11,11,34,32,

this says this car will only normaly spawn in colour number 12, 11, 34.

now back to the # the number next to this is the colours number, Very important if your making your own colours it must be a number other than one of the originals.

next to the colour's number is it's name e.g. jungle green.

this name can be anything.

and last is the colour e.g. green, light green, dark green.

now to make your own

if you want them to show up in transfender then just modify the first 40.

if you want to make a colour that you only want a few cars to spawn in then go to the bottom of the list of numbers and press enter to get a line under the others.

first find out the rgb value of the colour using paint or paint shop pro.

next type in the numbers in RGB order with a commer then press space untill it lines up with the others press # and put your number in type i's name and the colour type.


to test if it worked

delete all your cars colours and put your number in twice.

start your game and test it.

it worked for me everytime. :lol:

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