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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, if you want to make money, killing 'men' isn't your only option... (You can lose lots of ammo, therefore losing money)

Taxi missions... No way to lose money(Besides Wasted Or Busted)

No way to lose money

Did you try killing in different areas?

Be more specfic...

Any mods?

PC or PS2?

Edited by NotYouHaha
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  • 1 month later...
  NotYouHaha said:
Well, if you want to make money, killing 'men' isn't your only option... (You can lose lots of ammo, therefore losing money)

Taxi missions... No way to lose money(Besides Wasted Or Busted)

No way to lose money

Did you try killing in different areas?

Be more specfic...

Any mods?

PC or PS2?

NotYouHaha, There is another way of killing with out losing your ammo. Use your Fist and beat the hell out of people. :unsure:

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