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Suggested Wii games.


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I'm a fanboy, but I guess that's only better when you want to know about games.

First of all I'd get Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. At least, if you like adventure games.

Then if you're planning to buy extra controller(s) with it I'd go for the latest Mario Party. But only if you can play with other people. On your own it will start to bore. It's a party game. You actually play a huge 3d board game and after each turn you play some fun mini-game that earns you coins.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl if you like some fun and quick melee action. You might want to look up some vids from SSB Melee first or look at the trailers of Brawl to see what it is. It's pretty much unique you know. So I can't really describe it. It's a game packed with all kinds of Nintendo characters like Link, Pikachu, Mario, Kirby and all of those.

Super Mario Galaxy. Basically just a new 3d Mario but this time you're not on a island or a jumping into portraits in a castle. No, you're in SPACE! So each planet has it's own little puzzle and gravity giving you some unique and really fun gameplay.

Wario Ware: smouth moves. It really uses the motion sensing giving you all kinds of really short yet real fun mini-games. It's not at all focused on graphics, some of them actually just display wireframe models, but it's fun. Again, I'd look this game up first to get an idea of what it is.

Metroid Prime: Corruption. It's the sequence of Metroid Prime 2 echous. It's a futuristic shooter where you play the legendary Samus with her, yes, her, famous space suite. It's not futuristic like Halo, it's totally different. Maybe a few IGN pictures.

I'll post more tomorrow.

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