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GamePlanet sits down with Rockstar Sidney


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GamePlanet has posted a nice preview, not really any new information but it's still good reading.

After entering the conference room and signing a form that outlines all the things I'm not allowed to do with what I'm about to be shown, Rockstar dim the lights and the presentation begins. The first thing that really strikes you is the depth of field - obviously "Liberty City" is modelled on New York City, so from where we were standing the background consists of motorway overpasses, trailing off in the distance towards skyscrapers, accurately rendered complete with a sort of distance haze that gives the impression of a watercolour painting. Unlike a painting, however, you're looking at actual scenery that you can drive to. After spending several seconds gaping at the texture detail of the road, and wondering how they managed to get so many leaves in the gutters to actually look real, I have to switch my attention to the mission at hand - we need to drive to meet "Brucie" for a job.

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For those of you who haven't been paying attention over the last few months, GTA IV follows the story of Niko, an Eastern European who is conned into moving to Liberty City to help his cousin Roman run his taxi company. Niko, however, has another reason for being in Liberty City - he's trying to find someone from his past who has wronged him.

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Edited by IllusionMPN
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