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making a new car

Bobby Vercetti

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I'm just wondering if you can't take apicture of a car and use that to model from ??,Another thing i have found is that this website gta classics has some AWESOME cars but i have no idea how to install them and they are the ones i am looking for ( more era specific) All the ones i have now are ok ,and i have like 8 nice cars ,but they all installed with vice city mod manager and these you have to install with img tool and THEN edit the COL file ( which gets me lost )

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ok basically, check out the modding tutorial lol. just click vice city > modding and its pinned there.

u need imgtool yeah, and a coll editor eg Coll_Editor from stevem, thats what i use. im sure theres many more programs, but essentially they all do the same thing.

you can use the picture as the basis for a model, but importing a picture as a model, i dunno about that :P

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