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what is in .dff files exactly?


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we all know that .txd files contain the textures, images for the skin, but what exactly do .dff files contain?

It contains the 3D mesh, but also (depending on version and content) can contain the pivot points and different versions of the mesh. For example; the cars have both low polygon version for far away shots and high polygon version for near shots. There are 2 version of each part of a car, a damaged door and undamaged door.

Also there is a hierarchy tree that connects all of the individual meshes together so it knows where the door hangs on the car.


BTW I read your post about the squad car and hope the fix works but to further answer this question:

1. GTA 3 the dff was mainly used as mesh and the peds were made up of individual body parts. I am really surprised no one developed a mod where you could hack peds up with an axe.

2. Vice City the files changed a little esp. the peds they are made up of a solid body and head (no more shooting off arms and legs)

3. SA then dff changes by including collision data and other things (I am still studying)

GTA IV - unknown as of now, but I notice the mesh has fingers which means more complexed bones and more crap to deal with.

Edited by JAB HacksouL
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