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SaveGame Location Change?

Dark Lord

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Hey guys.

One of my friend wanted to know if there is any way to change the location of the save game.That is he can define himself as in which directory the save game should be located(Rather then MyDocs).

So, i was wondering if anyone could answer me this question.

I guess it might me defined in the source code of the game and probably un-changeable.But still waiting for comments.

Thank You.

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Hey guys.

One of my friend wanted to know if there is any way to change the location of the save game.That is he can define himself as in which directory the save game should be located(Rather then MyDocs).

So, i was wondering if anyone could answer me this question.

I guess it might me defined in the source code of the game and probably un-changeable.But still waiting for comments.

Thank You.

Yes it is hard coded to the executable. "GTA San Andreas User Files" is found if you do an ASCII search using a hex editor. There might be some kind of Registry Hack you could use to change it. But I haven't found anything by scanning the Windows Registry. Is there any special reason behind the need or just a person who wants order to their files?

You could run an old DOS batch file to launch the game like this:

copy "C:\gta saved games\*.b" "C:\Documents and Settings\XXXX\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files"
del "C:\gta saved games\*.b" /y
"C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe"
copy "C:\Documents and Settings\XXXX\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\*.b" "C:\gta saved games"
del "C:\Documents and Settings\XXXX\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\*.b" /y

XXXX is your user ID

This would move the files to the proper directory, then lauch the game. After you quit and save, it would move the saved games back to your custom location. If you didn't use the proper file to launch the game no saved games would appear. If you wanted to you could use remove directory, make directory and xcopy to copy all the sub directories. The above code would be place in a text file called GTA_SA.BAT When your not running the game the files would not exist inside the My Documents at all.

That is not really a solution but the best work around without hacking the executable.


A little update; my friend Kenny tells me that he reg hacked his XP by changing the following key:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"AppData"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Application Data"
"Cookies"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Cookies"
"Desktop"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Desktop"
"Favorites"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Favorites"
"NetHood"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\NetHood"
"Personal"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\My Documents"
"PrintHood"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\PrintHood"
"Recent"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Recent"
"SendTo"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\SendTo"
"Start Menu"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Start Menu"
"Templates"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Templates"
"Programs"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Start Menu\\Programs"
"Startup"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"
"Local Settings"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Local Settings"
"Local AppData"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Local Settings\\Application Data"
"Cache"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files"
"History"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Local Settings\\History"
"My Pictures"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\My Documents\\My Pictures"
"My Music"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\My Documents\\My Music"
"Administrative Tools"=""
"CD Burning"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\CD Burning"
"My Video"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Joshua\\My Documents\\My Videos"

Kenny said, all you do is use regedit to change the Personal under --> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders to whatever you want. I tried it and it did work, SA came in with no settings or saved games. After I played the GTA User Files was in the directory I chose.


Edited by JAB HacksouL
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