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Help with Skin Modding


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Alright, I know how to Edit Skins like add Text, Change some clothes but i wanna learn to completley change them, like the face and stuff, As the Image is Mixed up, I wanna learn like how to Competley Edit it, and make the Colors Look perfect, not like Color of MS Paint on GTA:SA, Can some one point me to a Tutorial or something...I'm using Photoshop Cs3 + TXD Workshop.

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Alright, I know how to Edit Skins like add Text, Change some clothes but i wanna learn to completley change them, like the face and stuff, As the Image is Mixed up, I wanna learn like how to Competley Edit it, and make the Colors Look perfect, not like Color of MS Paint on GTA:SA, Can some one point me to a Tutorial or something...I'm using Photoshop Cs3 + TXD Workshop.

Export the TXD you get in player.img or other misc img.

And edit them with Photo Shop and you would be needing some extra tools to edit in photoshop as you can get them to download :)

These videos could be helpfull or just browse other related ones :)

Hope that help you. :D

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Alright, I know how to Edit Skins like add Text, Change some clothes but i wanna learn to completley change them, like the face and stuff, As the Image is Mixed up, I wanna learn like how to Competley Edit it, and make the Colors Look perfect, not like Color of MS Paint on GTA:SA, Can some one point me to a Tutorial or something...I'm using Photoshop Cs3 + TXD Workshop.

Export the TXD you get in player.img or other misc img.

And edit them with Photo Shop and you would be needing some extra tools to edit in photoshop as you can get them to download :)

These videos could be helpfull or just browse other related ones :)

Hope that help you. :D


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