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Job Interview at SportsDirect Tomorrow


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Hey guys, well I have a job interview tomorrow at SportsDirect (A successful sports shop in the city) and I was wondering if you guys could help me on how to approach it. I have never had a job interview before. The job is only small, its a part time Sales Assisstant. I cannot work it full time, and seeing as I am not eligible for EMA, I need to be earning some cash whilst studying my A-Levels at college. The job, I understand is 16 hours a week. If you guys have any experience or advice, it would be much appreciated.

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1. Dress nicely. If it's for retail sales you don't need a suit/tie but dress pants and shirt are a must.

2. Bring mints, Gas-X (an anti-gas pill), Tylenol, with you. You want to make sure you don't have a headache, bad breath, or a case of the farts before you go in.

3. Make eye contact. Don't look at the floor/ceiling.

4. Get there 10 minutes early.

5. Come by yourself. Don't let your parents, siblings, tag along. Or kids if you have them.

6. Answer questions honestly. If you lie they'll find out eventually.

7. But don't be afraid to BS a little. As long as you can say "I told the truth" afterwards.

8. Be confident but not cocky.

Good luck.

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