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ROFLCOPTER..Whats wrong with people


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Why do people ask everyone else except the one person who actually can do it, knows how to do it and has done it already?

This is regarding someone wanting X-Box Mods

I have every single comp mod I have ever downloaded (About 98 in total) working on the x-box.

I created a topic about 5 or so days ago mentioning that I can help anyone that wants to do this and no one paid any attention to it.

Now I see a topic up asking for help on the exact thing I offered help with 5 or so days ago that got ignored.

People sometimes make no sense whatsoever!

Edited by tx3000
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What kind of comment is this?

  Jace said:
If the admin thought ppl really need it he would have pinned the topic. What you want that we do by telling this to us?

This is totally not true at all. I have seen quite a few topics that should have been pinned that have not been and then I continually see people flooding the forum with questions that, people here tell them to go search or that someone else already created a topic about this and to go find it.

What mad eme ask this is because when this was posted the topic I created regarding this was only 3-4 topics UNDERNEATH his and all he had to do was look down or open the entire screen and he would have seen it.

The topics that should be pinned are the ones where the same questions keep getting asked over and over again

Edited by tx3000
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Gerard has already made a big modding guide about that (pinned). And chris82 has pinned a thread about modding games for consoles.

Yeah so big whoop

Read them first, make topic second.

I did...so stop accusing me of making topics blindly please

Their guides do not address my problems...try reading my topics and see if my questions are answered 1st

then make comments about my topics and replies 2nd

BTW I love how all of a sudden after this topic was a dead issue you just had to put a comment and invloved yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you and that is totally has nothing to do with what I was asking.

Hey if you wanted to involve yourself then thats OK with me join the party..But just remember you have no business bitching and moaning about my responses knowing how I am going to respond Like the other 2 did..Its that simple

Edited by tx3000
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