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I could use some advice about editing the SCM


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I know asking for help on how to edit the X-Box is not supposed to be up here but this is not a how to question...This is a WILL THIS WORK question

I want to edit the X-Box Main SCM of SA

I have all the code and stuff already as well as know what needs to be done.

I was curious if this work before I go ahead and do it...I am probably going to do this anyhow but if I could get verification that this works would be greatly appreciated.

If I wanted to lets say (Spawn a bunch a weapons/jetpack we'll say upstairs in the johnson house)

and I don't have access or can't use a configuration tool (Such as one that tells me the co-ordinence) of where something is (I have another way to do this)

Could I in turn just copy and past the original coding for it (Like the tutorial says too) and then reconfigure the co-ordinance to have it show up upstairs -

I'm pretty sure this will work its just a matter of me wanting to know Will this proceedure work?

Thanks in advance

Edited by tx3000
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