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my mod: exploding cj

Quantum Man

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I'm making mode where a model of CJ replaces the satchel, so you'll through CJ instead! But I'm having troubles exporting. Since this is going to replace a weapon, I assumed he won't need any bones, so I deleted them all, DO I REALLY NEED A COLLISION FILE FOR THIS? Would I use the satchel one? and when I go to skip the collision selecting thing in kam's script, and press export, it says: "more than one hierarchy links were selected! Only one is allowed in dff." So how do I change this; In the new schematic view option? or what?

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  Quantum Man said:
I'm making mode where a model of CJ replaces the satchel, so you'll through CJ instead! But I'm having troubles exporting. Since this is going to replace a weapon, I assumed he won't need any bones, so I deleted them all, DO I REALLY NEED A COLLISION FILE FOR THIS? Would I use the satchel one? and when I go to skip the collision selecting thing in kam's script, and press export, it says: "more than one hierarchy links were selected! Only one is allowed in dff." So how do I change this; In the new schematic view option? or what?

I have a similar issue when using the mission editor and trying to add in a new weapon.

The instructions say to find a specific code line (And it shows the code line used in the example) then you are to copy the entire line and paste it underneath the original one

The problem with this is there are about 25 other code lines for the same exact thing.......The example being used is create new weapon code line for the M4....ok so lets say i go and I find one of the other ten-fourteen M4 code lines So which one do I copy and paste it under

The problem with instruction like this is they are saying one thing for multiple codes doesn't really help you be able to figure out wheer this goes.

I did a test I plced this under every single line ass well as one at a time and regardless of where I put it or how many times it didn't work---but then again i am trying to mod the x-box main.SCM so I am aware that the problem is that that I don't think that the x-box main.scm can't be modded...I have tried 5 different mods with this and couldn't get them to work

Sorry I rambeled on as usual

And back on subject

Easiest way to find out if something works is to change all aspects of what may be controlling it...One rule about modding in general is this:

Even if you don't think something may affect something...Unless you know 100% for a fact it isn't then it very well might be..

I change everything I can think of then mess with what is or isn't needed by changing the outcome one thing at a time in reverse order take what you know is needed then attack the other stuff Example say if there

are 5 things that you find make something work but only 3 of them are needed

what you do is adjust all 5 then test it.

then if it works you reset the 5th thing to its original state and then test it again if it works then you know even though number 5 is there its not needed to change it...repeat with the remaining steps until you weed out only the things thats needed

I hope this helps

Edited by tx3000
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  Quantum Man said:
can anyone help at all? lol

(i know this is a double post)

Think about what you are asking and where you are asking it....

Now ask yourself that question again.....

If you and I seemt o be the only 2 on this forum who can actually provide real help...What do you think the answer to that question is?

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  Jace said:
You first post made me think you where at last just normal. But now you again starting about you only doing the right thing...

When have I ever been wrong about anything I said so far...NEVER?

So me saying I'm right in itself is right.

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