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What Clothes to replace for modding


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in the military clothing mods I have used, they sometimes replace clothing that is cool. for instance, to give us a camo bonney hat, they replaced the Black Sun Hat. the Black sun hat is cool, and goes with other tactical setups that I know to use. the Plaid sun hat is the one to replace, because it is completely out of place for a gangster to have. also, there are other things that you should use to replace stuff to create a mod.

since I dont have the materials to edit the clothes (unless Photoshop works for TXD files) I will have to rely on you guys for the bulk of the edits. I have the 2nd edition, with the patch that allows modding, so I can do the testing, for whoever wants to help me out.

here is a list of things at the mind that I can remember that its ok to replace.

Yellow Suit (at Didier Sachs) can be converted to something (I would imagine a suit similar to the designer suit from the Hitman series.)

Blue Suit (Didier Sachs) can be converted to a dress military uniform (maybe Air Force, because of the "blue")

Red Suit (Didier Sachs) can be converted to the USMC Dress Uniform (for refference and knowledge on how to do this accurately, I can inform you well on the military uniforms)

Plaid stuff, Sports jerseys, Rockstar clothes, yellow stuff, and other items that are "just not gangster" are good to change. best to let me know, so I can tell you.

now, if you are wondering "is he asking us to do this, or is he suggesting we do what he likes?" its both. lets face it, do you want to replace something, dont replace commonly liked clothing. dont put patches on the black tank top (binco). things like that.

like I said, I'd make my own if Photoshop (or paint even) would work in editing these textures

a little about myself: I'm in a 3D animation class, in a Media Design and Production program in college. I have access to stuff within reason. so, what do I need?

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