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GTA IV: Cuba

K9 Krew

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For some reason it hasnt been suggested at all round here, but i think a Havana-based city, and then possibly a whole country roughly the same as cuba, but set in the 1950's, would make an awesome GTA game. Basically youd have the big capital city in a roughly central location (by big, about the same size as liberty city all 3 islands), really sharp, beautiful old colonial buldings, palaces, new hotels etc. Then a collection of smaller towns, mainly makeshift housing, a lot poorer than Havana/ whatever the fake name is. Some of these would double as ports, with dockyards, container ships etc etc.

Why I think this would be a gd idea:

-Pre-revolution cuba was just about the most crime-ridden country in the world, with most of the major US mafia famillies having a base there to run casinos, traffick drugs and mingle with celebs. Anyone whos seen Godfather 2 will be familiar with this. Perfect setting for a GTA game

-Government of the time completely corrupt and did everything they could to help the crime lords out. For 1st time could be a possibility to carry out an actual governments dirty work (new perspective)

-Culture- Just imagine watching the imported 'Yank Tanks' (Caddies, plymouths and the like) cruising round downtown havana, chilling in the gov. palace, everything accompanied with a flamenco beat, or the rat pack tunes of the 50's.

-Unrest- it would be set in the times of the revolution, so for the 1st time again there would be an active, crime committing gang- the revolutionaries/ rebels. They could be seen in Havana actually assassinating police, setting car bombs, starting fires in other words doing more than just casually strolling the roads aka most GTA gangs.

The Gangs:

Cuban Street gangs- Found all over, basically homeless kids in the slums who do anything for food/ money. fight among themselves and mug peds, steal cars, but scared of organised gangs. knives, bats, the occasional pistol weapons of choice.

'Security'- Not really a gang, local street thugs used by plantation owners, US businessmen, to keep the locals down and the rebels away.

'Cuban Mafia'- Step up from the steet, these are basically mafia- wannabe thugs that run most provincial towns (ie. those not worth the mafias trouble.)

Involved in prostitution, small time drug dealing, local gambling (boxing, cockfights, racing and the like) and extortion. Usually some control over str. gangs- will take stolen cars off their hands, use them as enforcers. Many of these gangs, all hostile to each other and fighting a constant turf war.

Italian Mafia- Traditional LC mafia famillies, maybe 3 (Leones, Forellis, Sindacco's?) Divided Havana between themselves, uneasy 'business friendly' ceasefire. No real street presence, just outside+ inside businesses, but still hugely dangerous if on their bad side.

Jewish Mafia- New boys on the block, theoretically 'allies' with italians but an air of mistrust and racial tension makes an uneasy friendship. Mainly semi-legal 'businessmen', eg. Hyman Roth in the Godfather, but will hire local hitmen and gangsters if they need to get heavy.

'Special Forces'- The dictators private army, separate from police+army who basically act like another gang. Main role is as anti-rebel fighters, and can be found in ones and twos all over cuba to 'defend democracy'!

'La Revolucion'- Anti-government rebels hiding out in the mountains and jungles of cuba, recovering from a devastating defeat and very weak at the start. Armed with AK's, satchel bombs, grenades and also reknowned for kitting out cars with high explosives. Hated by all other gangs, but looked up to by some of the more idealistic street kids.

The Cartels- Shady Latin American drug traffickers who export drugs to havana for the mafia to redistribute. Highly armed and dangerous, ex military mercenaries.

Possible Story:

You start as Jose Hernandez, a 19 year old orphan living in the shanty town of Santa Diego, to the east of Havana. Mother dies in childbirth due to terrible facilities. It is the aftermath of a failed rebel revolution, during which your father is killed. The army has blocked off all routes to havana for security meaning you are restricted to your hometown, a sprawling, dpressing shanty town with no jobs, no prospects and crime the only option. You follow your friend into petty street crime, carrying out muggings, hold ups and carjackings. A preceding reputation as a fighter also leaves to an involvement in a shady bareknuckle boxing ring, run by one Umbeto Robina (the geezer in Vice City), a rising star in the Cuban underworld. He takes you under his wing, asking you to expand his operations (See cuban mafia fortype of things), this culminates in Robina being established as the top local crime lord.


At this point the roads to havana open up, and, leaving his no2 in charge Robina takes you to Havana to increase his power. As luck would have it, Hymen Broth (Sorry!), a jewish 'businessman' in Havana, is looking for some uncompromising locals to oversee his business interests, casinos, hotels, loan sharks, counterfeiting and give some protection. You and Robina's associates have to 'protect' the businesses, which in this case means liquidating the local thugs who are basically making tourists feel uncomfortable. Broth also introduces you to Salvatore Leone, a young up and comer in the Leone crime family entrusted with the mafias operations in Cuba. Leone is impressed with your work and wants you to do a similar job; only this time the 'unwanted presence' is Broth! Without escalating into a gang war, the mafia and robina must destroy jewish presence in Havana, culminating in Broth fleeing the country and assassinated in an airport! The mafia is now numero uno in Havana and You and Robina are toast of the town. Corrupt prresident Vatista is impressed, and wants you to 'stabilize' the city against a growing rebel threat. This is done through protection of government and mafia assets, and attacks on rebel strongholds around cuba.

The end of the party:

At some point U get a call from Leone telling you he needs some help with their contacts in the drug business down in Sintiago, the main port; basically, he wants them wiped out to let in more reasonable traffickers. However, after a spectacular attack on the cartel in sintiago, and confirmation that a new group were on their way, You are suddenly ambushed by Leone and Gov. Thugs; turns out more 'cost effective' thugs have been found. You manage to escape into the mountains away from Havana, but its out of the frying pan into the fire- this is rebel country, and youre not on their xmas card list.

The Rebels-

After falling into their hands, it is decided that because of your father's great sacrifice, your life will be spared. By this point, u agree to join the rebels to avenge both ur father and your own betrayal. Helped by a certain bearded, cigar smoking leader tounge2.gif

The rebels are weak at this point, and you muxt work to make them stronger. Missions at this point include:

-Gaining weapons: raiding arms caches, military bases, hijacking ships delivering weapons.

-More forces: Freeing the local street gangs from the influence of cuban mafia, converting them over to your side.

-Territory: Similar to forces, attacking local towns gangsters and gov. troops, more sophisticated SA gang war system.

-Protection- Vatista's thugs will attack, fight them off!

When you are strong-

Assassination- take out gov. figures in Havana

Bombings- Either car (hooking up a car and leaving it near a target) or inside (planting satchel bombs in legitimate targets)


Begin a long march towards Havana and liberation taking over towns and plantations along the way. Final missions would be the 'battle of havana'- fighting a combo of police, army, vastista thugs, mafiosi and cuban gangs.

When the town is secure you hear Leone has fled to LC, while Robina caught the first flight to Vice City! Vatista, meanwhile, is holed up in his Palace, surrounded by his personal bodyguards. Final mission sees you and the rebels storm the palace, fighting and killing the bodyguards. You are the 1st one to find him and a deadly shootout ensues, when the smoke clears Vatista is slumped over his open safe- it is claear he was going to flee. The Rebels are now in charge, your father is avenged, and you are now 'Special Military advisor to cuba'! Life is sweet!


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