I'm going to say that I like the HUD. Rubbish? It's got everything the old GTA's had. Health, Armor, Stars, Weapon Icons and ammo. The only thing it lacks is the time, which I'm sure will be checked on your phone. Everything is small and sleek now, so I'm only praising this.
But on the topic of textures, I'm sure the gameplay will look much better than this. As it has been said, the trailers are an example of that.
Also, on the map color - I'm partly with The Dealer. I could see how the map could change colors through portions of the map, or by personal preference, but the different colors we're seeing might be the wanted stars level. I noticed in other exclusives, the portion of map that was marked by the search areas (Where you try to escape from) was differently colored. Perhaps what we're seeing is the search area extending beyond the displayed portion of the map?