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Welcome to the San Andreas PHP Stats uploader by Chris - www.thegtaplace.com.

Remember that horrible stats file that Vice City used to generate? The stats file generated by San Andreas isn't much better either.
What this page does is it generates a nice pretty, colourful page of your San Andreas PC stats file, which you can then show off to all your friends. See my stats for an example of what it looks like!

Upload your stats.html file below:

spaces and some non-alphanumerical characters may be converted to underscores.
Type your password carefully.
Language of file:
stats.html file:
Where's this?

If your username and password matches the record in the database your old stats will be overwritten.

Quick Stats

Users: 3,402
Stat pages served: 48,482,412

Latest News

Thanks to people volunteering to translate. Other popular countries using this include Russia, Sweden and Norway...so feel free to make us even more universal ;)

vifor has provided us with his Romanian translation.

pucas has made a Spanish translation. You can also now upload your stats.html file in the Spanish language.
I myself have managed to make the Italian translation by comparing values in the stats html file and the .gxt files. So now you can also upload your Italian stats.html file.

TeleDu has made a Lithuanian translation.

16/08/05 - Version 1.8
Number formatting for monetary values has been implemented, the thousands separator and decimal characters are the same as the country's language you are viewing. For example English has a ',' separating thousands whilst French use a blank space etc.
The percentage of wanted stars evaded has now been added.

icey has made a Dutch translation.

31/07/05 - Version 1.7
The users list has been changed to save resources. Showing a list of over 2000 users on one page was a bit much so it's now split into pages, or you can view users by letter. chorijan has made a Croatian translation.

Onanist has made a Polish translation. The right-to-left text direction on Hebrew language pages will be fixed soon hopefully.

Roki has made a Hebrew translation. Since Hebrew is read from right to left it has caused the page to become slightly messy, we're currently working on a way to display it correctly.

Drakula has made a Ukrainian translation.

06/07/05 - Version 1.6
We now use cookies to keep you logged in and enable you to have a much quicker, easier way to update your stats.
We have some new translations! Uni has made a Portuguese translation, DevilHunter then translated this to Brazilian Portuguese. Furism has helped with making a French translation.

Note about the French translation: After Furism translated the file I looked in the french.gxt file to find what Rockstar had put so I could enable people to upload French stats.html files, I have replaced Furism's with Rockstar's French and Furism says that the language is full of grammatical and typograhical errors, and that some of the language is deprecated. So Rockstar's French linguist if you're reading you need to brush up on your skills ;). Oh and Furism has notified me of all 13 errors by Rockstar so I'll be updating the French language file soon ;).

27/06/05 - Version 1.5
After a massive amount of code changing I've managed to make this stats uploader utilise language files as requested by many users. A massive thanks goes out to mokke who has translated the English file into German, as well as this you can now upload a German stats file, as long as you choose German from the language selecter, you'll be able to quickly switch between languages when viewing your stats.
Other possible languages for the stats file are French, Italian and Spanish. So if you're a native speaker of one of these languages feel free to email me and let me know which language you don't mind translating into.

21/06/05 - Version 1.1.2
- If you registered before version 1.1.0 you won't have got a chance to choose a password for updating your stats, you can use this form to create a password for your account. It will attempt to find and account with no password from your IP address, if your IP has changed then feel free to contact us and we will manually remove your account so you can start again.
- Fixed bug where weapon skills levels were wrong. Please re-upload your stats if this happened to you.

20/06/05 - Version 1.1.0
You are now able to update your stats providing your username and password match those stored in the database.

18/06/05 - Version 1.0
Obviously there may still be some bugs evident so if you do see something unusual in your stats please let us know via the contact form. Currently the stats shown are the ones direct from the stats file, in future updates more stats will be added such as percentages of certain tasks completed etc. so keep checking back often.
If none of your stats show up it probably means you've tampered with the file, or your file was not in English, see the FAQ for how to fix non-English stats files.