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Posts posted by Scorpio

  1. I think MrLlamaLlama was joking...But I dont know...Heh...

    By the way, I allways thought the Kimono was Japanese.

    I was joking... :mellow:

    And the reason i made the comment about the bust was because you have this thing against slutty girls... (Hence the smiley thing) (And it was a question anyway...kinda, hence the question mark) (Improper use of the word 'hence' ?)

    I was only trying to make a freindly joke... Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

    I'm not trying to start anything with you here.... I think you just misinterpreted what i said.

    But just out of curiosity... Why were you wearing a Vietnamese (sp.?) outfit? You're Canadian... Right...? :huh:

    Actually, Jade was born in America and I was born in Vietnam. That's why she wears the traditional Vietnamese oufits.

    LOL, sorry for being the one to answer these questions for her, I'm just logged on at the time.

  2. Thebestbandever.jpg

    Amazingly I wasnt actually drunk here, unlike my friends


    Same here, we were so bored that we resorted to this.

    Cool pics, you remind me of Jade. She had the same haircolour and has a black and white striped shirt, except it has white cuffs and a collar.

  3. snow is hard to make (the pshysics) but if it´s in the game there would be snowplows and tratcors with salt and thats just a waste of time to make ( would´nt mind plowing ppl down) so i dont think there will be snow....

    I've played a lot of games that have had snow in it...A number of football games have snow and I played Tekken 5, which had a level of snow. It looked real. I don't think it would be hard to do.

  4. Hello guys! I am pretty new to the whole forum thing so correct me if I make an ass of myself. I think most of you guys know my wife Jade. She had actually suggested this forum to me. I was just wondering if someone could make me a sig? I don't really care what it is, I just want a picture from any GTA game and Scorpio written in the bottom left or right. Thanks in advance and nice to meet all of you. Just remind me if I screw up so I can learn what the heck I am doing.

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