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Posts posted by GTA Don

  1. As some of you may know, some retailers a few weeks back were doing a special pre-order deal for Windows 7. In the UK, you could find the Home Premium E edition for £50 and the Professional E for a bit more. I managed to pre-order the Home Premium E edition for £44.99 from PC World which is a pretty good deal IMO. Of course now they've stopped and are doing it for about 80 (Home Premium and 100 and something for the Professional and Ultimate editions.

  2. No, tigerdirect and newegg only ship to USA.

    And all the other US sites i think.

    It's cheap because there's no GFX card, that's barebone.(if one part or more is missing.)

    TigerDirect ship worldwide, the only problem is that is quite expensive to do so. You'd be looking at maybe another 100$.

  3. husky i had no idea you were a ghetto black girl

    @Husky : Hey Courtney!


    Boris was actually suppost to be my real name. But 'eh my mom wanted Courtney.

    I honestly don't believe that. At least Boris is believable.

  4. did you hide all your icons or you have none?

    dont think i could ever have nothing on my desktop XD

    I've had no icons on my desktop for nearly a year now, it's fairly easy to manage without them. At first, it's a bit frustrating because you can never find your programs easily, but it looks a lot better.

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